Chapter 16

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*Zayn's POV*

I answered the knocking on the door that had paralleled with the eerie glow from the second floor, and grabbed the intruders by the wrists. 

It was Kaya and Cassandra. 

Heaven knows how they managed to escape, but luckily the first place they sought help was where we happened to be. 

They both stopped struggling when they took in the utter darkness and the one greenish glow with the thin, skeletal shadow that appeared in it. 

All eyes were on the ghostly figure at this point. It spoke. 

"I have been waiting far too long for you to come," it said. Its voice was low and booming, like the Wizard of Oz. 

"Come closer, Zayn Javaad Malik," it commanded. "And do not look away from me,"

Everyone turned to look at me. I could feel my face either burning red or draining of all color. It was hard to tell which. 

I looked around at everyone's expectant faces. I took a breath and put my foot on the bottom stair.


*Liam's POV*

As soon as Zayn's foot hit the ground, the lights clicked on. 

I stood there at the top of the stairs, watching as Zayn's pale face looked up at me in terror. I lost it and started laughing. 

Zayn looked back at Harry, Niall and Louis, and slowly their stunned expressions faded and they started to laugh nervously. 

"You guys were so... scared..." I choked between laughs. "C'mon, c'mon, bring 'em upstairs,"

The four boys gently put a hand on one of the girls, so each girl had a boy keeping them from running away. I led the way to the barren room we had prepared to keep them in. 

None of them were particularly struggling, which I was surprised by. They seemed to have simply accepted their fate and resigned to it. We led them into the large, concrete room, closed the door and locked it from the outside. 

Phase one complete, I thought. 

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