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*Niall's POV*

 "Look what I found!" I announced, holding the heavy, cold rod above my head. 

"It's pitch black, how in the world am I supposed to see what you're holding?" Harry asked sarcastically. 

"Yeah, well, uh..." I laughed hesitantly. "I think it's a crowbar," 

I heard immense amounts of scuffling and banging and assumed that Harry was scrambling to his feet. 

"HOW DID WE NOT SEE THIS BEFORE?!" Harry shouted, and I felt his hands slam into my right arm. 

"That's my arm... nope, that's my chin... that's my neck... go downward you idiot... There, that's my elbow... wrist.... there, now you're touching it," I guided him as his hands groped aimlessly in the darkness. 

"What are we waiting for?? Let's smash this stupid window!!" Harry exclaimed wildly, snatching the crowbar from out of my hands. I watched the silhouette of the crowbar be raised above Harry's head and smash shamelessly against the window, which shattered instantly, thank God. 

The alarms started screaming, of course, so Harry lifted me up and helped me out, and I grabbed Harry's wrists from outside and hoisted him up. 

"The light!!! My eyes!!!" Harry whined, and I agreed. My eyes were not used to this kind of brightness from the freaking moon's glow. 

"Let's go. Screw this mission," I said, pulling Harry along as he rubbed his overly-dilated eyes. 

We swerved around to the front, where we had parked the car the night before. 

"Harry..." I stopped walking, holding out my arm as he ran into it, halting him as well. 

He opened his eyes. 

"Where's the van?"

*Narrator's POV*

In the end, all four girls knew that being kidnapped by One Direction, improving their acting, horse-whispering, wizarding and artistic skills, and defeating Professor Calando and the evil he set out into the world, really did improve their lives. 

First of all, Margaret logged onto her computer and reserved the first Harry Potter book. At this point, she was just curious as to what poltergeists and Deathdays were, and wanted to know how that made any sense when Kaya said it. 

Though she still thought the first chapter was dreadfully boring, she got through it, and within three months had all seven books finished. The next time she saw Cassandra at school, she showed off her Deathly Hallows necklace next to her paper airplane one. This earned her a huge hug and invited fangirling all over the place. 

Eleanor, with her newly-acquired horse knowledge, placed in a competition and later won another one, making her the best in her horseback riding class. 

Cassandra was soon cast in a lead role at a community theatre, and thanks to her improv skills, was able to cover up for the second-lead's mistake on opening night, and no one noticed a thing. 

Kaya went on to meet JK Rowling and proceeded to tell her how her own writing had helped her and a few of her friends to defeat an evil force destroying the music industry with his horrible noises. She only laughed and told her it would make a good book. 

As for Louis, Zayn, and Liam...

*Liam's POV*

I sat in the backseat, my feet resting on the two on my right where two of the girls had sat before. 

"So, anyone else notice that the ride seemed more comfortable on the way back?" I ventured. 

"Yeah, I noticed that too, yep," Louis and Zayn muttered. 

There was silence for a few seconds. 

Zayn slammed on the breaks. 

"HARRY!" I shouted. 

"NIALL!" Louis screamed. 




And so, the cheesy book ended cheesily. 

Why are all of my books so cheesy?

Well, I guess 15 Things wasn't so cheesy, but the other three I have written kind of were... heh...


Thank all 2638 of you for reading this story to the end and for keeping with it even though it's one of my longest ones yet!! (This started off categorized as a short story. But then I kept writing. And I couldn't stop. That's meee)

Love my readers, and thank you so much for all the nice comments and it means so much to me when you fangirl over my writing!! You know who you are ;)


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