Chapter 34

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*Margaret's POV*

The next three days of training went by. On day three, I did acting. I used to be a little bit of an actress, and Zayn seemed like he liked my performance. On the fourth day, I read horses' body language, which I sucked at. 

*Eleanor's POV*

On the third day of training, I went with Niall to Harry Potter trivia. It was so much fun! I rocked at it. Lastly, when I went to acting, I knew I did well because Zayn nodded approvingly. I was really into theatre, just like my cousin, but I was more of a singer than an actress. 

*Kaya's POV*

I doodled on day three mediocrely, which Harry didn't like at all, and on day four did perfectly at Harry Potter trivia. I loved it when Niall would tell me I did well. 

*Cassandra's POV*

I failed reading horse body language completely on the third day, and got Louis sort of angry with me. It was kind of funny, and I even got Louis to smile through his frustration. I drew a little cartoon me on the paper Harry gave me, and he seemed okay with it. It was a relief, because the other girls said Harry was harsh on your drawing skills. 

On day 5, instead of going to a room with one boy, all four instructors came in to usher us to our strength for intensive training. 

"Okay, the area you were the best at is the one you will be trained in," explained Niall, pulling out a sheet of paper. 

*Eleanor's POV*

Please let me get Harry Potter or horses and not drawing!

*Kaya's POV*

Please let me get Harry Potter and not acting!

*Cassandra's POV*

Please let me get Harry Potter or acting and not horses!

*Margaret's POV*

Please let me get drawing and not Harry Potter!

Niall unfolded his paper and read off. 

"Kaya will come with me for Harry Potter and writing intense training,"

Kaya's face flooded with relief.

"Eleanor will do horses with Louis,"

The two smiled at each other. 

"Margaret will come with Harry for drawing," 

 I nodded, smiling a little. I tried to hide my immense amount of excitement that was bubbling in me, for going with my favorite boy to do my favorite activity. 

"This leaves Cassandra to go with Zayn for acting,"

She didn't bother to hide her excitement and let out a squeal. She did something weird with her wrists; holding them close to herself and shaking them so they flung back and forth. 

We wasted no time going to the rooms we were told to go to with the boy who would teach us. 

In Harry's room, he gave me some features of a person, and I had to sketch him over and over until he was satisfied with my depiction just based off of what he told me. It was frustrating having to start completely over sometimes, but the concept of it was awesome. 

*Cassandra's POV*

I went with Zayn, where he had me do improvisations. He gave me a setting and a situation, and I reacted to them all. It was epically fun!

*Kaya's POV*

In Niall's room, I was told to write a Harry Potter one shot fanfic, which I struggled with coming up with a story idea in the beginning, but when I had it down, I was able to get writing right away. Niall read over my work when I had finished, and I dreaded hearing his opinion. It felt awkward watching him read over my writing, but when he put it down, he seemed satisfied. I was hoping for a little more emotion out of him, but I guessed I'd take what little approval I could get. 

*Eleanor's POV*

There really wasn't much more "intensive" training for me, mainly because there wasn't a horse we could practice with. So we just kept going with the flashcards. 

Around what seemed to be noon or one-ish, Louis lead me back to the concrete room, where Kaya, Niall, Cassandra and Zayn already were. Margaret and Harry followed us in. 

"OK!" Harry said, grinning. "Feel prepared?"

We nodded. I definitely did. 

"Great!" he exclaimed. "We're leaving in an hour."

Our faces fell. 

"What? You said you were ready!" he defended himself innocently. He was joking, of course. But not about leaving so soon. Before I knew it, we were piling into the too-small van and setting off to the castle. 

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