Chapter 4

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*Margaret's POV*

I laid in bed, wishing I had been able to go to the 1D concert going on about an hour away.

It was about 11am, and I was just sitting there. I grabbed a sketchbook from by my bed and began a new drawing on a blank page.

I looked around my room for inspiration. My eyes landed on a poster of Harry Styles. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I bent over my sketchbook, my brunette hair dangling over my face. I pushed it back.

I started with Harry's beautiful puppy dog eyes.

Each little line made the picture better. Wisp by wisp, the pencil marks came together to form an eyelash, an eyebrow, an eyelid. Soon I had finished Harry's left eye.

About an hour later, I had completed both of his eyes and begun the nose. I then realized how hungry I was, so I left my room to go eat.

I strolled out of my room and headed to the kitchen. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, so I grabbed a box of cereal. I started eating, but soon headed back to my room to draw. I couldn't leave an unfinished drawing unfinished!

A noise outside made me jump. A long line from my pencil jerked across the page. I moaned, seeing what I had worked so hard on had a line straight through it. Sighing, I flipped my pencil over and dragged my eraser over the line.

Then that noise again.

What was it?

I fingered my paper airplane necklace nervously, it being a replica of one Harry has, of course! I looked out my window hoping to see the source of the noise.

A mass of curls was visible through my window.

No, it had to be ON my window!

No. It was definitely THROUGH my window.

It couldn't be who I thought. No!

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind. I guessed I'd been working too hard on this drawing, too long, and I'd started to hallucinate.

I set down my drawing pencils and sketchbook, averting my eyes from the window. I didn't want to look at it and risk scaring myself like that again. I took a bite of cereal and left the room.

My little brother was in the kitchen, playing with a roll of duct tape he had found.

"What's with the duct tape?" I asked.

"I dunno," he shrugged.

I went to sit down on the couch, phone in hand.

•Hey• I texted Jasmine, one of my directioner friends.


•Uh, don't call me that.•


•Well, I think I just hallucinated Harry Styles out my window.•

•LOL! Was he singing to u????•

•No, he looked kinda mysterious. Idk...•

•lol mysterious? Hmm that's weird•

•I know. Like I said it was a hallucination. it's not supposed to make sense :P•

Suddenly, a fierce hand snatched my phone away. I groped for it for a split second and then I gaped at who the thief was.

Harry. The one I had hallucinated.

I fainted.

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