Chapter 50

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*Eleanor's POV*

We sat in Cassandra's driveway, reminiscing everything that we had done together. 

“I still have a bruise from that horse," Louis laughed, pointing to his shoulder. 

"What in the world were you thinking, acting like you worked for Calando and 'arresting' me?" I asked, laughing. 

"I have no idea," Cassandra replied, laughing as well, "I just got out and started talking,"

We all chuckled softly for a few more seconds, but it soon died out. 

"Well, I never thought I'd say this in my life, and I may very well be the first person to ever say this in the history of the universe, but I'm glad I was kidnapped by you guys. It was fun," she opened the door and slid out of the seat. "I'll never forget the week I spent with One Direction,"

She winked and closed the door behind her, slinking into her house. I wondered how she planned to tell her mom what just happened to her, because knowing my aunt, she wouldn't believe it for a second and tell Cassandra she was delusional. 

We drove on, spending the whole time talking about different events.

"I really didn't know I could act," admitted Kaya.

"And I didn't realize how little I knew about Harry Potter," laughed Margaret.

The next stop was my own home. "I'm glad I came," I said, "though I do wish you didn't have to drug me and tie me up to get me to come. I like to think I would have come willingly,"

Margaret smirked, "I think it was much easier that way, too," Zayn laughed. 

I jumped out of the car and waved as they backed out of my driveway, and wondered when the next time would be I would get to talk One Direction. 

I opened the door, my mind sorting through excuses that my parents would believe as to why I was gone for so long. 

But as soon as I opened the door, I remembered that they were on a business trip, so it was just me for the week. 


*Margaret's POV*

On the way to my house, we kept talking about our experiences. 

"And when you said that drawing was bad," Kaya giggled, "when it helped us get past Calando's security!" I smiled a little. 

"Well," I said as the van pulled up to my house, "I'm glad my drawing skills proved less terrible than I thought they were,"

I hopped out of the car, grinning at Louis and Zayn in the front seat as they sped away. 

What just happened. 

What just happened. 


I squealed and started jumping up and down repeatedly. 

How did I keep in my fangirling this long?! I asked myself. 

I took a breath, unable to keep myself from smiling, and strode inside. 

When I told my parents I was just hanging with One Direction for the past five days, of course they accused me of lying. I didn't really see the point in arguing, as they put it, my "laughing gave it away." But it was really the opposite that was true. But in the end, they said they didn't care as long as I was safe. I was cool with that. 

I logged onto my computer and clicked on the link to the library's website to reserve a book I was interested in reading. 

*Kaya's POV*

After Margaret left, it was just me and the boys. It was a much quieter drive down with so few people left. 

"I'm gonna miss it," I admitted as I stepped out of the car. "And you guys. You better keep in touch with all of us!" I was kidding, of course - they were far too busy for talking to four random girls - but they nodded in agreement. 

I took one last long look at their faces, all staring straight at me, and turned to leave. I didn't look back. 

I opened my mouth to start explaining where I had been, somehow, but my parents just asked me how my friend's house was. I hesitated, but went along with it. Me being at a friend's house for the past week; it was partially true. 

*Niall's POV*


My voice echoed throughout the dark cellar. 

"Just give up," Harry said to my left. "They can't hear us. No one can,"


What do you think of the second-to-last chapter??? Poor Harry and Niall I'm so mean to them XD


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