Chapter 18

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*Louis's POV*

We chatted outside of the room as soon as Liam locked the door. 

"What information should we tell them?" I asked. "They can't be kept in the dark about everything forever,"

"That's true," Niall agreed. "They'll become more difficult if they think we're going to kill them,"

"But we can't give away everything," Zayn commented. "Or if the police come for us then they might tell,"

"They wouldn't tell," I rolled my eyes. Zayn shot me a look. "There's a chance,"

We filled Liam in on everything that had happened while he had stood guard at the house. He seemed to understand. He, too, was baffled by the willingness of Margaret to come after quoting Disney, and shocked that I had drugged Eleanor with chloroform from the start. I just shrugged. 

When we finished, we discussed the worst thing that could possibly happen if we told them individual pieces of information. 

"We need to tell them about him, though," Harry said. "They have to know that. They have to,"

We all slowly but surely nodded our heads. They needed to know. 

"Maybe we should tell them what they're needed for, too," I added, "so they don't think we're out to murder them," I couldn't hold back a smile at the thought that we would ever kill someone. What kind of people would that make us?

"True," said Liam. "but not specifically. Let them figure out some of it on their own. If they learn too much at one time, things could go badly."

We agreed on just that, and stood to open the doors again with new information. 


"He has been hidden away for a few years, but he is still our nemesis. 

He has made parodies of our songs making fun of us, spreading rumors, everything he can to make us step down from our immense popularity. 

You four need to help us rid him from the world, to get him to stop what he's doing and let us all live in peace. 

You four are needed because you and you alone possess abilities and information no one else does. We can't tell you what you are specifically needed for; not yet. But we can tell you that you will have five days of training in four categories. We'll let you try to guess what they are on your own. 

Oh, and one more thing. 

His name is Professor Calando."

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