Chapter 42

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*Margaret's POV*

When Kaya dropped through the dusty window, I followed her without hesitation. If she was a goner, so was I. No going back now. 

But when I jumped, I only fell maybe 24 inches before my feet slammed onto a hard surface rather suddenly, causing a jolt through my shins. I looked up and saw Kaya was also massaging her legs to get the blood flowing again. 

I looked up and around, and found we were in a bathroom. It was probably only four or five square feet, but big enough for both of us to comfortably stand in. It only took a few seconds to find the door, which I put my hand on. I shrugged and opened the door before my mind could start to wonder what I'd find on the other side. 

But it seemed like just some hotel lobby. It had a carpet that was a swirl of multiple shades of red and gold. However, it was nearly deserted other than five or six people dressed up all snazzy. 

I walked up to the nearest person: a woman with bright-red-dyed hair piled high up on her head, and asked a simple question. Best to get straight to the point. 

"Where would we find the Professor?"

She looked at me, fear stricken in her eyes. She gasped audibly. 

"You can't just... waltz up to Calando's house and expect to... to see him!" she said exasperatedly. 

And then she started laughing. 

And she didn't stop, either. 

I exchanged a glance with Kaya, who raised her eyebrows at me. 

When the girl walked away, cracking up, Kaya led me to what looked like a booth of some kind. Like where you would get tickets at a movie theatre. 

"Where can we see Professor Calando?" asked Kaya when we got to the booth. 

"He isn't expecting anyone," the man said. "so you can't see him," He gestured vaguely to a door behind him when he mentioned the Professor, which I took note of. 

"Is that where he is? Behind that door?" I blurted. 

His eyes widened for a split second, realizing his mistake. "Get out," he said, coldly but calmly. "Get out,"

Startled, Kaya and I turned and ran, hoping to find the others. 

Right then, though, the alarms started blaring again. 


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