Chapter 8

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*Eleanor's POV*

I woke up with a throbbing headache. My surroundings came into view and I realized I was in the backseat of a truck.

Whose truck is this?

Have I been kidnapped?!

The thoughts flew around my head. What was I going to do??

I suddenly became aware of the tight, sticky bonds around my wrists and ankles. 

I looked at them, only to see Louis staring up at me. 

One Direction duct tape??

The whole thing was surreal. I struggled with the bonds. 

Just then, a very familiar voice that I had an unhealthy obsession with said something that caught my attention. 

"We have Eleanor, Cassandra, and Kaya. Who's left?"

"Margaret," a second voice, with an all-too-familiar Irish accent, declared. 

I froze. I had a cousin named Cassandra. 

Could it be...?


*Cassandra's POV*

Duct tape. I'm all too familiar with it. 

Not worrying about what in the world had just happened with Niall, I pulled at the bonds on my ankles for a few minutes before it came loose. I worked on my hands next. 

I took in what was around me. I was in the back of a pickup truck, next to a bunch of crates and...

...and a... body...

I took a double-take. A BODY??

I dove away from it. I peeked over to see it was still breathing. Phew. 

I cautiously crept toward it. I recognized that face. 

It was my neighbor, Kaya. 

*Kaya's POV*

I heard a tearing noise, followed by some footsteps. I didn't want to open my eyes. 

Zayn? My beloved star? Why have you gone rogue on me?


I dared to open my eyes. In front of me sat a certain neighbor of mine. 

Cassandra and I haven't really talked to each other. We knew who each other were, but we never really got to know one another. But a familiar face was good to see. 

The duct tape around my hands started to get painful as I tugged at them. 

I looked to see what Cassandra was doing with hers, to see that she had no duct tape on her. 

Would that mean...?!

*Cassandra's POV*

"Cassandra! You're... you've...! I can't believe that you...!!" Kaya sounded completely betrayed. A hint of anger was in her look as well. 

"I...?" I propted. I wasn't sure what Kaya was saying. 

"You're helping with this!!"

"I'm - what?"

"You helped One Direction kidnap me!!"



HAPPY BELATED 1DDAY!! I would've updated all my 1D fanfics on the actual 1DDay, but, ya know, I was kinda busy watching something on YouTube... ;D

So, whaddya think? A little conflict in the story (not that there wasn't one already, with a kidnapping and such... Heh).

How did you guys spend 1DDay? Comment!


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