Chapter 25

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*Margaret's POV*

After Harry followed me in and closed the door, I took in the room, feeling the soft carpet under my toes. It was so much better than that cellar they had kept us in the night before. Towards the back of the room there were five chairs, but no table or anything. It was a pretty barren room, but thank goodness there was a window, where I could see the sunrise. 

He sat in a chair in the middle of the room and I sat in another one. Even in this situation, I couldn't see past his adorableness. He handed me a clipboard with a paper and pencil attached to it. I waited for some sort of explanation of why he had given them to me. 

"I'd like you to draw a self-portrait," he said simply. 

"Can I... use a picture?" I asked timidly. I knew I wasn't any good without some sort of reference to look at. 

"Nope. That's part of the challenge," he winked. He waited expectantly, so I picked up the pencil. He nodded encouragingly. 

"Can you... uh," I wasn't sure how to word it without him getting angry. Not that he would anger easily. "Can you not watch? I can't really draw under pressure,"

He laughed a little, but agreed. He got up and wandered around the room while I sketched. 

I tried. I really did try. But the only thought looping through my brain at the moment was I AM DRAWING IN THE SAME ROOM AS HARRY STYLES. HARRY STYLES ASKED ME TO DRAW. HARRY STYLES IS TWO FEET FROM ME. It was insane. 

I tried to pretend he was a random guy, even tried to remember that he was a kidnapper, but it hardly counted since I had agreed to come with him. I got the first eye down in about ten minutes. Usually, that's how long it takes me to draw an entire picture. I focused hard on what I was doing. 

I finished the portrait in another twenty minutes. "Harry, I'm finished," I said. It was fun to say; I smiled as I said it. 

"Excellent," he said, taking the page from me. His eyes widened at it. 

"I know, it's awful," I admitted. "I can't really draw actual things; I'm more of a doodler. Especially without a picture to base it off of. I usually-"

"This is unbelievable," Harry breathed, cutting me off. I wasn't really sure what to do or say, so I just stared. 

"You have a gift, Margaret," he marveled. I suppressed a smile. HARRY STYLES JUST COMPLIMENTED MY ARTWORK. 

We spent the next few hours going through pages of a sketchbook at an alarming rate. He told me to draw a variety of objects, which I did, I think, a better job on than my self-portrait. 

It was so much fun drawing with Harry. 

It just might have been the best day of my life. 

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