Chapter 13

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*Kaya's POV*

Cassandra silently beckoned me over to where she's leaning against the window of the back of the truck, obviously attempting to eavesdrop on them.

I still wasn't sure if I trusted her enough, but something about her expression convinced me to obey.

She motioned for me to listen, too. I hit my ear against the glass, harder than I intend to.


*Louis' POV*


Startled, I whirled around to see what that noise was.

I saw the shadowed outline of two heads, facing each other.

Of course. Our other two girls were listening.

I stopped talking. "Later. You'll see later."

Margaret groaned in frustration and leaned against the seat, her elbow brushing Eleanor's side.

She flinched.

*Eleanor's POV*

I didn't remember passing out, but when I woke up, it's to a soft thump and the brush of something against my side.

I jumped when I remembered where I was, and decided to pretend to still be out when I recalled how badly I needed to know why I was there.

I squinted my eyes out of sheer curiosity, and a brunette head came into focus, level with my eyes. She looked around my age, maybe a little older.

It was hard to tell whose side she on just based on her posture, so I didn't do anything to get her attention just yet. So I laid still. 

But, of course, the more desperately you don't want to be noticed, the more rebellious your body becomes. My ankle started to itch. I tried to ignore it. 

It wouldn't go away. I needed to scratch it. 

Hold on, I told myself. Wait. 

Involuntarily, I moved to scratch my ankle, the skin eating me alive. I moved slowly, but still managed to scare whoever was next to me. She gasped quitely, but didn't say anything. 

I opened my eyes, my fake sleep pointless now. I didn't say anything, afraid I might ruin something, like a shot at understanding why I was here or who this girl was. 

She looked at me, and I looked at her. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. 

I took a risk. "Hi," I mouthed silently. 

"Hi," she mouthed back. She seemed kind, but I still was skeptical about it. One wrong move and I could wind up regretting it. 

But apparently, my conscience and my brain weren't working together, so I gestured to the One Direction duct tape binding my wrists and gave her a look that I hoped came across as a pleading one. 

She seemed to get the message. She slowly peeled the duct tape away, the noise that duct tape usually made was minimal, and the boys in the front seat and to our left continued to argue over where they were going and how they were going to get there. They were oblivious to my opportunity toward freedom. 

Without me having to ask, the girl leaned down and freed my ankles from their ties as well. I smiled gratefully at her, and she smiled back. 

Not sure what to do with the duct tape, she crumpled it in a ball in a careless fashion, though none of the sticky corners were on the outside, somehow. She dropped it on the floor, and every time we rounded a corner, it rolled to the other side of the car. We giggled at it silently. 

It's good to have a friend, I thought, especially during something like this. 



Now everybody's kidnapped!! XD

Why do you think One Direction needed these four girls out of everyone they could have chosen instead? Let's hear your thoughts!!



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