Chapter 40

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*Harry's POV*

I turned around to ask the other three to search different areas, to cover the back of the massive castle more efficiently, but only found one to talk to, him being Niall. 

"What happened to Margaret and Kaya?" I asked him. 

"They're right..." He turned around to the barren field behind us. "I have no idea..." he finished, scratching his head in confusion. 

I shrugged and turned back around. "They're responsible enough. I think they're okay." Niall didn't seem so sure, but he resigned to following me once again. 

After scouring the back of the castle for any sign of cracks or openings, I discovered a tiny window that might have lead to a basement at the very bottom of the wall. I called Niall over. 

"Should we go in?" Niall asked. 

I knew that the answer was probably no, that I might not ever get back out, that I might be killed on the spot if seen by any sort of bodyguard, but I acted on impulse, like I had often lately. 

I crouched down and tested out the window, but there were no signs of any way to open it. 

"It doesn't look like we can," I answered Niall after some time considering the window. 

"Oh, get out of the way," he said, pushing past me and kneeling next to the window. He poked the corners of the window, apparently feeling around for something. In a few minutes, there was a click, and the window swung open.

"After you," Niall said, stepping back and gesturing to the open window. 

I took a breath, then sat and slid feet-first into the dark abyss below. 

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