Chapter 26

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*Kaya's POV*

When Zayn had finally gotten through all of the acting and expression tests, the sun was blazing at its peak in the sky. He took me back to the concrete room where I found Margaret already. She was grinning at a speck on a wall, with her eyes unfocused.

Following me into the room was Cassandra, right after Eleanor.

When the door closed and all four of us were alone again, we resumed the original circle we had formed that morning.

"What did you guys do?" Cassandra asked.

Margaret was still grinning when she said, "I got to draw. I drew a horrible picture of myself but he complimented it anyway," She paused to stare dreamily at the wall again. "Harry. Styles. Liked. My. Art."

I laughed, and was joined by Cassandra and Eleanor. "So what did you guy do?" she asked.

"I did lines of One Direction songs," I spoke up. "I'll be the first to admit I'm not really an actress, but Zayn seemed impressed," I shrugged.

"Really? I figured I'd be the one acting, if any," Cassandra commented. "Then again, it's not like they could have possibly known which one of us was good at what. They just needed certain things," She started smirking. "But then again, I got to do Harry Potter quizzes,"

"No way!!" Eleanor exclaimed. "You're so lucky!! I read horse body language. It was sort of fun to begin with, but after a while got old and somewhat annoying. It was still pretty cool, though,"

We all nodded. We sort of stopped talking after that, and it was about three hours (by my best guess) before we started to drift off again. Who knew what time it was, but I'd tried to stop caring.

My stomach gave a loud grumble. That's right. I hadn't eaten at all since I got here.

Margaret had told us Harry said we'd only be here a week, at most.

Six days more.

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