Chapter 47

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*Zayn's POV*

Professor Calando slumped into an office chair and wheeled it around to face his desk. On it were what seemed to be hundreds of monitors and computers. He moved a mouse, and I was vaguely impressed that he knew exactly which screen to look at. 

He started explaining how it all worked, but quite frankly I didn't care enough to tune in. As he spoke with more and more enthusiasm, he started making up a parody right on the spot. 

"Heh heh... it'll go 'that's what makes us annoying!'" he guffawed. I gave him a look, and Cassandra rolled her eyes. Margaret was too busy studying the computers and holding a curious expression on her face, clearly distracted by the complexity of it. 

"That's what makes us annoying," Calando sang scratchily into some sort of microphone. I assumed he was recording it. 

I slapped him. 

I heard Kaya and Eleanor giggle quietly, but Calando wasn't amused. 

"I am a genius at work, here!" he exclaimed. "You do not slap a genius!"

I laughed along with Kaya and Eleanor. 

"So. How exactly do you plan to stop me from getting fans to hate you?" Calando asked. "I am very interested in how you expect to stop me,"

Louis laughed this time. "Once a fan, always a fan. A stupid, horribly-written song won't change that,"

"After all this time, though?" asked Calando doubtfully. 

"Always," Louis confirmed. 

Calando raised an eyebrow, then turned back to his computer and opened Twitter. "I disagree. There are fake fans out there who just like you guys because of what you look like." As he was talking, he was posting a picture of the five of us horribly photoshopped so it was supposed to look like we were wearing makeup. 

Liam noticed this too, and I could see him getting angry. He tensed, his face flushing, and started slowly walking forward. 

"Hold on," Calando said, sensing Liam's closeness and holding up a hand to stop him. "Let me just press this red button here," -he pointed to a small red button between two computers labeled SECURITY ALARM- "and I'll have someone escort you away, as I think this is upsetting you,"

His finger positioned on the button, and he turned to look at our reactions as his finger slowly added more and more pressure to the button that would set off the alarm once again. 

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