The Bar

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Death was every where I looked.

I had just finished a hard shift.

All I wanted was to sit alone and drink my feelings.

Forget everything.

Friday night and i went out to Joe's.

As soon as i entered the bar i felt someone following me but i didn't looked behind me.

the whole week fucked me up and i just wanted to get a little drunk

I ordered my beer and right after that I heared an Italian accent saying

"ill pay for that."

i couldn't do anything but look around, directly in her hazel eyes

"hey, do we know each other?"

i answered her a little confused.

"i'm new at grey sloan" she smiled.

"Ohh a doctor , I'm a lieutenant at station 19"


I winked at her and took a sip of my beer while looking in her beautiful face.

"What's your name?"

I asked her

"Carina" She said.

"Hey Carina"

I smiled.

I liked her already.

I felt less alone right now

"I'm Maya."

She drank her white whine and my beer and so the time passed.



she leaned towards me

"date night?"

I was shook for a few seconds

she is really asking me out right now?

Is it what i somehow, deep down inside, needed right now?

Carina slowly touched my hand and I realized i didn't said anything yet.

"sure... sorry i was lost right now."

"Hand me your phone."

"My what?"

"Your phone."

I looked at my feet as she put her number in.

"Thanks , next Friday, same place."


We left and I went back to my house.

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