The Day After

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I wake up to Oreo purring on my chest.
"Baby look"
I smile as I whisper
She smiles
I play on the bed with Oreo for a bit and then I run on the treadmill before I eat.
I eat toast and I'm very proud of myself
I think I'm getting better.
I stood up and Salem ate from her bowl.
"You have therapy tomorrow baby"
"Yep thanks for reminding me baby"
We get some groceries and some more things for the cats before I turns dark.
I eat a bit of lasagna that Carina made.
"Well done baby, I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks baby, it's means so much to me"
I hug her and then we go to bed since we have a busy day tomorrow.
Therapy is so draining.
I put in my pyjamas after taking a shower.

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