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We get home at 10am.
I sit down on the couch and I turn in the tv.
I watch tv for about an hour before Carina makes me eat.
"I can't do it myself"
She feeds me the dish she made
"Thanks you"
She makes me sit down and watch tv so I can't purge.
Tears appear in my eyes as I think about purging.
She knows that I am so she keeps me in her arms.
She holds me and comforts me.
"Good baby. I'm so proud of you"
I wrap my arms around her.
"Thanks baby."
She takes me in a little walk just to get out of the house for a bit.
We do some grocery shopping.
I look at all the food being placed in our cart and I feel sick to my stomach.
We go home and Carina puts the stuff into the fridge.
I take a pain pill and then a sleeping pill so I can get some rest.
"Night baby"
I tell Carina as she looks at the tv.
"Night baby."
I get into bed and the medication takes it's affect 15 minutes later.

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