Experessing My feelings

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Carina comes home at 11pm and I'm still up watching tv downstairs
She drops her bag onto the kitchen counter and hangs up her coat on the rack.
"Hey baby"
I start immediately crying  and she rushes to my side
"Hey hey what's going on baby?"
"Nothing I'm fine... Maeve just wouldn't settle and it was really hard because she was screaming and crying and most of all scared. I just keep thinking about everything I have to do ; I- I have to see Katherine tomorrow and talk about things that I can't even say out loud with crying my eyes out , I have to do the grocery shopping , i need to register Maeve as Maeve Bishop De-Luca since her name isn't even bishop at the moment and we need to visit Jess. It's a whole mountain of shit that we have to deal with and I just don't want to do anything anymore!!"
I cry hysterically.
She holds me in her arms
"I can help you!"
"Baby you don't deserve me. You're so kind hearted and I feel like mine is cold."
"Baby you're traumatised, it's not your fault"
She says a tear rolls down her cheek.
"It feels like everything is too much."
I say as I look at Maeve through the baby monitor before I lie down.
"Sh I'm here baby"
She says and she rests her head on my shoulder as I lie on my side.
"I love you"
I say as I kiss her.
"I love you more Maya. You're the love of my life also if Maeve wakes up I'll tend to her , you need to sleep and rest"
"Aw thanks , goodnight baby"
"Goodnight bambina"
She kisses my forever until I fall asleep.

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