Friday 11:00pm

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It was 11:00pm on a Friday night.

Not just any Friday night , our first date.

While tackling fires and rescuing people from burning buildings to dealing with chemical spillages and road traffic collisions.

All that time , I was thinking about Carina.

I was dressed in a lovely short black lacy dress.

My hair was down at my waist.

I pictured what she would look like,  what she would do and say.

I started to panic as time grew closer.

I called Vic.

"What if she doesn't turn up?"

"She will.

"She will."

I repeated that a number of times but It didn't feel true,

As I sat at the bar , I ordered a gin.

I was starting to drink.

There she was.



We shared a hug and began to drink.

I got too drunk and we went to her place.

We got a taxi home since both of us weren't sober.

I was so drunk she nearly had to carry me.


She sat me down on her couch.

Me still clinging to her by her neck.

I don't remember much after that.

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