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I wake up to Carina caressing my back and telling me that I'm okay.
"Why am I crying?"
I question as I dry my eyes.
"You were having a nightmare"
I put my hand in my hands and continue crying while attempting to stop.
"Baby it's it's okay to have nightmares"
I look at herZ
"My dad would hit me for my night terrors so no it's not okay. In my house growing up, crying and my night terrors wasn't okay and I learned that the hard way."
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"I would wake up screaming and he would come in furious. He'd rip the sheets off my and start to beat me. He would then retrieve the belt from his room and then spank me with it."
She holds my hand as I start to shake and pull at my clothes.
"Baby stop you're going to hurt yourself"
She tells me as I being to claw at my waist.
I eventually stop and I start to cry again.
"I can't stop thinking about how he smelt and how he felt when he was raping me. I love you but I just can't get him out of my head"
She nods.
"I started smoking with him to cope with everything that was going on."
"I understand baby. I really do"
I can't stop crying so I don't even try to stop any more.
"Can you point to the places he hurt you baby?"
I feel my back and remember the scars he left on me.
She touches it and feels the scars that he left.
I feel my stomach and my shoulders
I feel my throat.
"Why the throat baby?"
"He tried to strangle me."
I say as she brings me into a hug.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
I nod and pause.
"He was raping me and he had his hand around my throat. He began to squeeze it and I squirmed as he held it tighter"
"Dad stop... I can't... breathe"
"Too bad now shut up and cum or I'll kill you."
He looks at me with intent as he holds my neck tighter.
I do what he asked and he finally takes his hand off me.
I point to my legs and vagina.
She hugs me and I sob into her.
"I wanna go back to sleep please"
I sigh as I snuggle into her.
"You don't have to ask baby"
"I just feel like I'm walking on eggshells all the time, like I'll say something and then you'll leave and never come back"
"I'll never leave"
"Can we talk more about it tomorrow?"
"Of course baby"
She says as she kisses my forehead and I fall asleep.

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