Picking Them Up

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The alarm goes off and Carina and I get up.
We both get dressed and we kiss.
She has breakfast and I have a small yogurt.
"Good job baby"
Carina congratulates me
"I love you"
We go to the shelter and the woman lets us in.
We go into a special room and they place the cats on our laps
"Salem is so calm"
I smile watching Salem slither up her chest and cling to her upper body.
"So is Oreo"
Oreo has made herself into a little nest on my lap and is purring each time I rub her.
They put them into little crates and they start to meow once we get them into the car.
I sit in the back with them one on each side of me.
When we get home , we introduce them to our house and they just run around for a bit looking in places and then they settle in their beds in our room.
"They're so sleepy"
I smile.
She smiles.
She leaves the bedroom door open and we sit down and watch tv.
She makes lunch and I eat some breadsticks and I actually don't purge
"I think I'm getting a bit better"
"You are baby, you're doing so good"
I smile
I sit back down on the couch , we snuggle up and watch a Christmas movie
We eat dinner and I just eat some plain pasta.
She hugs me afterwards
"I'm so proud of you Maya!"
She smiles as she kisses me all over my face
"Thanks baby"
I grin from ear to ear.
We go to bed after checking on the cats.

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