Telling Carina

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I wake up sweating and crying because I had a nightmare about my dad
I remember that Carina told me to wake her up
I say sheepishly
She doesn't reply so I put my hand on her
She turns over to me.
She looks at me.
"Aw baby sh are you okay?"
"No I'm not. I had a bad nightmare."
I confess.
She holds me and I put my head on her chest.
"I can't believe she's gone... and he killed her"
"I know baby, would you like to tell me about the nightmare?"
I nod.
"My dad made me run for hours and hours around our local track at night when it was just him and I there."
I close my eyes
"Dad I'm tried please let me rest. I want to go home and sleep"
"No now keep fucking running"
He runs with me and when I stop the catch a breath, he knees me in my stomach.
"Get back up and keep running"
He pulls me up as I wince.
We keep running but I eventually drop and end up fainting.
I wake up in the front seat of our car.
My dad is staring at me
"Finally you're awake so now you're going to have sex with me as a punishment for that"
"Dad I don't feel well."
I cry as he puts his hand in my thigh.
"You hit your head pretty hard when you fainted"
"Is mommy home yet?"
"Um- no"
No wonder he was so spooked when I asked him that.
He pulled up into our garage and hauled me onto of the car since my legs still felt like jelly.
He sits me down on the couch and grabs himself a beer or so I thought
"Drink it"
He says as he opens it
"Dad I can't I'm only 14"
He forces me to chug it and I immediately feel weird.
I stare at the tv as my vision becomes blurry about 14 minutes later.
"Dad stop it"'
I frown as he cups my breast
"You're mine maya, you can't say no"
He pulls me down so that I'm lying down on the couch.
He undoes my shorts
"Dad stop please no"
He hits me in my mouth and starts to rape me
I cry and scream.
He yanks my ponytail and rips a bit of hair out
When he finishes, he rings mommy and complains about how I didn't cum.
I go into my room and cry.
I end up throwing up and passing out on my carpet.
I wake up to my dad doing me on the floor.
I cry as he makes me cum.
"Uh finally!"
He says as he does back up my shorts
"Get yourself cleaned up Maya"
He tells me as he leaves my room.
I hear him on the phone
"Maya finally came for me baby! She's growing up now"
I head to the shower and cry until I can't cry anymore.
"My mommy came home that night and I slept in their bed"
"I'm so sorry baby"
"It's okay"
I smile as I wipe a tear
Maeve starts crying so I get up.
She won't calm down so I take her into to our room.
I place her into the cot and she settles.
"Guess she's sleeping in here."
Carina smiles.
I whisper.
I get back into bed and we snuggle up together.
I go back to sleep.

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