Second Date

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I walk into the ED still in my uniform and I'm looking for Carina but she's nowhere to be seen.
A doctor comes up to me.
"Are you okay?! Are you injured?"
She asks since my uniform is all sooty from rescuing a man who got stuck in his chimney.
"No no im fine thanks , just finished a shift. By an chance have you seen Dr. DeLuca?"
"Yeah she is just getting her bag , you must be Maya?"
"Yeah hi"
"Hey I'm Jo Wilson , Carina's intern."
"Nice to meet you."
"Lovely to meet you,"
She leaves and I stand against the wall.
"Hi Maya"
"Hey Carina."
I smile before she takes my arms.
I feel hurt because my scars are hurting.
"So where are we going?"
"My house?"
I question as I start driving.
"Okay can't wait"
She smiles.
I drive her to my house
"I love your decor."
She tells me as she looks around.
I call out from the shower.
I hurriedly get dressed and come back out.
"what would you like to drink?"
"What've you got?"
She asks with a grin,
"Bacardi , Tequila , Wine , Beer , Liquor and Spirit."
I say as I look at my alcohol cupboard.
"Wine please"
I pop the cork off the wine and pour us two glasses.
We sit on the couch and talk.
"What's some quirks that you have?"
"I frequently laugh when I'm nervous , I don't have alot of friends , I drink a lot of coffee , I don't eat much , I'm a light sleeper because I often have nightmares."
"When's the last time you had one?"
"Last night"
I say with some shame and hesitation
"My legs shake when I get nervous."
"I take a while to open up to people so I am sorry in advance but it might take less time with you"
"That's okay"
She smiles.
She starts to kiss me and i kiss her back.
I wrap my knee around her and we start making out.
She lifts me up and takes me into the bedroom.
She plops me down on the bed and we start to pleasure eachother.
When we're done we stare at each other,
Carina looks over at my table
A picture of me after winning my race and my dads hands on her shoulders with a tight grip sits staring her in the face , no where to hide.
"Is that your dad?"
"he's not a good man, I don't really like to talk about it."
"Oh okay I'm really sorry"
"It's okay , I will tell you when I'm ready"
"No rush honey"
She smiles as she holds me.
"The smile on my face, it was forced, just for this photo."
"He abused my mother and my family. He made me work out like crazy just to win races. I got a medal. My dad limited my food and that's how i come to have body issues and I suffer from bulimia."
"I fell in love with a girl on my team and my dad punished me when she fell and i stopped to help her."
"Eyes forward sir"
I repeat with tears in my eyes.
She tales me into an embrace.
"Do you make yourself get sick?"
She questions and the question sounds stupid but that's because it's true
"Uh huh"
I say through tears.
"When was the last time baby?"
"At the station today"
"I self harm too , my brother self harmed too and he moved onto drugs and then he OD"
"Is he okay now?"
"I don't know , last i heard he was homeless."
"I miss him so much"
"My dad threw water on me once to get me out of bed because I wanted to sleep in since I had won the race the night before."
"I thought winners get to sleep in"
I repeat what he said to me next and I break down in her arms and she holds me.
"Its okay baby, let it all out , cry as much as you need. I am here."
She holds me as I sniff and cry.
She looks into my eyes
"I love you so much and I want you to be my girlfriend"
"Yes I will be your girlfriend"
I smile as she kisses me.
"Would you like to move in with me?"
I question as she looks at me blankly
"I dont want to be on my own all the time and I love you."
"I love you too , of course I'll move in with you."
"I dont like being on my own either and I want you to feel loved and protected"
"I do now that you're here"
I kiss her.
We get under the covers and go to sleep.

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