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Carina's POV

Maya is suffering so much and I feel so bad
This morning , I heard someone screaming daddy then I realised it was her.
It was around 9am so I decided to wake her.

Maya's POV

"Hey hey baby"
I wake up and hide my face in my hands ashamed
I pick up on her body language , she's ashamed
"Don't be ashamed baby, it's okay"
"I hate being so fucking vulnerable and frustrated all the time!"
I turn away from her and continue crying.
She holds me and I sob.
"Did you have a nightmare?"
She questions as I wail and nod
"Do you wanna tell me bambina?"
She asks as she strokes my hair:
I nod and sigh.
"My dad raped me so much that I thought it was normal. In social class we learned about rape"
She looks at me shocked
"Jess was so confused as to why I left the class crying I think she thought I had an accident"
She nods.
"I went into the bathroom and I attempted suicide"
"How baby? What did you do?"
"I cut my wrists."
She takes me wrist into her hand and kisses the scars..
"Can you remember?"
"Bits of it yes , I was sitting on the toilet when I slashed them and I fell to the floor. Jess noticed that I was gone for a long time so she got excused to go find me. She held me as I cry barley awake , I passed out and next thing I remove was being in the hospital bed and my dad sitting beside the bed."
"He ridiculed me and then he punished me once we got a private room."
"He raped you?!"
"Yes Carina, he raped me while my wrists wet freshly sliced and stitched"
"I'm so sorry baby"
"Are you and Jess still friends?"
"Yes, we're still in touch."
"I haven't seen her in a while , she would love you."
"You could always meet up with her"
"Yes but I'm not ready for that baby"
"That's okay"
She holds me tight as I continue crying.
"I'm hungry... I'm sorry"
"Baby don't be sorry come on I'll get you something to eat"
She takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen.
She makes me something to eat and I smile as she kisses my neck
"My dad would hit me if I asked for food especially chocolate. I developed anaemia but I took iron pills so it's gone now"
She nods as I put the food into my mouth.
She sits beside me and holds my hand as I nervously put another spoonful in my mouth.
We finish eating and then Maeve wakes up.
I tend to her and get her ready for the day.
We go to the hospital again.
I show Maeve off to everyone in the on call room and they all hold her even Dr.Hunt.
Carina gets pages by Jo so she rushes off.
I decide to go home so I text her and then leave.

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