The Party

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It's now the next day and the party is at 6
"What should I wear?"
I say looking at my closet.
"You should wear your orange jumper and your black jeans"
Carina comments as she puts her deodorant on..
I throw it on and look at my thin pale figure in the mirror.
I check myself out as Carina pulls on her black dress.
We lock up the house.
We get in the car and drive to Mers house.
Mer hugs me first and she keeps me there for a good five minute
I awkwardly break it by letting her bug carina which she does for five seconds.
I see her kids and they smile hug me
"You're so skinny maya"
Zola says as she hugs me
I just nod and say hello to Bailey and Ellis.
Ellis shows me her toys and I hammer the shape into the correct hole and she giggles.
I stand back up and sigh
"Are you okay?"
Carina questions as she holds my hand
"I'm fine, I just got up...too quickly"
I grab a low calorie beer as everyone else arrives
"Maya..this is my friend Amelia and her boyfriend Link"
I shake their hands
"It's nice to meet you... and who's this little guy?"
I smile as the baby wraps his hand around my finger.
"This is scout."
"Hiya scout!"
Amelia gives him to me to hold so I sit down and she lets me cradle him.
I give him back to link as I take a sip of my beer.
Zola smile as she rushes to greet a woman at the door.
I meet her and we say hi.
Everyone else arrives and then Mer puts on some music and everyone starts dancing
Carina and I just sway in each others arms.
We go home at 11.
We make out and sleep together.
"I love you baby"
I say before I go asleep.
"Love you more"
She smiles before turning off the lamp

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