A Visit

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I wake up still in carina's arms.
I move careful not to disturb her since she's still sleeping and I tend to Maeve.
I put Maeve on my chest and smile at her.
Carina moves and then she awakens.
"Hi bambina"
"Hi baby, did you sleep good?"
"Yes thanks , how did you sleep?"
"It took a while but I eventually went back to sleep"
I smile as I hand Maeve to her
Carina cradles Maeve.
"She has such a sweet smile"
She says as she changes her diaper on the baby mat.
"I have the same smile as her"
I smile as I take off my tank top.
"Can you please mind her while I take a shower?"
"Of course baby"
I head into the shower and I scrub myself.
I dry my hair and then Carina goes for a shower.
I feed Maeve in her high chair
I wipe the excess of her mouth and I burp her.
I look at her.
She looks exactly like me.
Carina comes out of the shower.
I go back into the bedroom and begging to get Maeve dressed when there's a knock on the door.
I put her in my hip since Carina is still naked
I answer the door and it's Diane.
The house is a mess , baby toys everywhere and baby stuff.
"Oh hi Diane"
"Hi Maya!"
"Can I come in?"
"Of course"
She steps inside.
"I'm sorry about-"
"It's fine...I was just going to get her dressed"
"Oh okay... she looks very healthy and you look better."
"She is and I'm eating now so I feel stronger"
"Well done!"
"I just came to check in and everything seems fine so I better be on my way"
"Thanks Diane"
She leaves and I get back to changing Maeve
I put her in a cute onesie that says 19 on.
"She's so cute"
Carina smiles as she does tummy time with her.
"She is."
"And you're gorgeous"
"Thanks baby, you're beautiful"
I hug her and then I get down with them.
Maeve crawls around for a bit before we decide to go on a walk to the hospitals so she can visit.
We walk down and meet Jo at the entrance.
She holds Maeve for a while before she gets paged so does Carina.
"Baby I'll show you to the on call room ,  some people will be there but that's okay right?"
"Yeah that's fine thanks baby"
I smile as she kisses me outside the door
I walk inside and I take Maeve out of the stroller and place her in my knee.
Amelia walks in with Scout.
"Oh hi Maya, I didn't know you were here?'
"Hi Amelia, Carina just got paged so I'm just sitting down"
"Oh okay, who's that?"
She points to Maeve.
"Oh this is my sister Maeve"
"Oh I didn't know you had a sister?"
"Neither did I until the fire"
"Oh yes I'm so sorry"
"Thanks Amelia"
I smile as Maeve smiles at Scout
I put her down on the baby mat and she plays with scout while Amelia and I talk about parenthood.
"It was an adjustment considering that I never really minded kids."
She nods.
"Scout isn't my first kid , I had a unicorn baby that had no brain"
"I'm so sorry"
I hug her and a couple of tears small from both of our eyes.
Carina walks in and removes her gloves
"Baby Boy!!!!"
She grins.
I smile as I pick Maeve up from the ground.
I shiver as Amelia puts a hand on my shoulder but I play it off like nothing happened.
I put Maeve back in the stroller and give her a little pouch of food to eat because I heard her stomach rumble.
I put her bib on so she doesn't get messy.
I push her around as we try to find some other people.
We bump into Mer and she holds her.
"Can I be auntie Mer?"
She questions as Maeve hides in her scarf.
"Of course!"
I smile as she hands her back.
Dr Hunt come over and I remember the feeling of him strapping me down to the bed.
I instantly shiver.
He tries to hold her so I take her
"He do you smell that? I think somebody needs to be changed?"
I walk into the bathroom and sigh as some stray tears fall.
"Maya....bambina are you okay?"
"I don't like him."
"Dr Hunt."
I wipe my eyes with a tissue and look at Maeve who's staring up at me with a smile
"I'm trying to stay strong for Maeve but everything feels likes it's came crashing down"
"It's shock baby"
She holds me as I cry.
Katharine comes out of the toilets
"Oh maya... are you alright?"
"I'm fine"
I say as I dry my tears.
She leaves after washing her hands.
I put Maeve's pacifier in her mouth and her teddy in her hand and then we leave.
We go back home and get dinner.
I put Maeve to bed and then we watch tv.
I randomly start crying.
"Hey hey tell me what's wrong?"
"She's dead"
I bawl
"I know baby"
I start to hyperventilate and panic
"She's dead... and... she's not... coming back!"
"Deep breaths baby! One two , in and out follow me"
She holds my face and I focus on her breathing and copy it
"You're safe baby... come on let's go to bed"
I nod.
I unlock the baby gate , go upstairs and put on my pyjamas.
Carina follows and hops into bed beside me
"Love you"
I smile
"Love you more"

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