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I wake up in the hospital and instantly put my head down.
Carina escorts me to the bathroom as I shake and wince.
"Hey hey are you okay? Are you in pain?"
"A little"
I groan as I flush the toilet.
"My arms and my stomach feels a bit weird."
"Okay lets get you back to bed baby"
She sits me and I swing myself into the middle of the bed.
My stomach pain grows.
"Carina....something is wrong!"
I cry as i grip my stomach.
"You're gonna be okay baby, I'll page mer."
"Where does it hurt maya?"
I grip at my stomach
"Okay okay"
She presses down on my stomach and I vomit on her.
"I'm so sorry."
I cry as the tears fall.
Mer wipes a tear off my face and smiles.
"I can assure you it's fine."
She smiles.
"Do you feel better now?"
"Yes actually"
She smiles before she leaves.
"you just needed to get that out of your system."
Carina says as she cleans the floor.
"Yeah but I feel bad , it got everywhere on Mer"
"Baby she's a doctor, she's used to it"
I nod and lie back down.
I go back to sleep.
I wake up to Amelia talking to Carina
"You're not holding her?"
"No, she has Diane and Diane has actually organised her to see another therapist outside of work."
I sit up.
"Her name is Dr. Katharine Wyatt and she works at this hospital."
"Um alright."
"Katharine will see you tomorrow at 12 at the hospital."
"Okay then thanks Amelia."
"Am I discharged?"
I question to Carina
"Yes baby"
I start packing my stuff which includes Blue the bear.
I put the bag on my shoulder and nearly faint with the weight of it
"I'll carry it."
We exit the room.
"Can we get a wheelchair please?"
"Carina baby, I don't need a wheelchair!"
"Come on baby just get in"
I lower myself into it and she wheels me out
She helps me to get into the car.
We go home and I just sleep for the rest of the day.

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