The Affects

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Carina looks at me as I frown
"I- I just shit myself"
"You what?"
She says as she pulls back.
"I shit myself- I - I took a laxative last night"
I say as I cry.
"Oh baby, do you want me to help get you cleaned up?"
"No thanks I don't want you to see me like this"
I go into the bathroom and I gag at the smell.
"Are you okay in there honey?"
"No not really"
I get cleaned up and throw it away.
I spray air freshener and it works to conceal the smell.
"Do you feel better now?"
"Kinda. Thanks for understanding"
She smirks and snuggles into me.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with me"
"I love you baby and I would do anything for you"
She rubs my back to soothe me and it's works because I'm fall back asleep.

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