Suicidal Tendencies

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I decide that I can't take it as I jump off a bridge close enough to home so that they'll be able to identify me.
"32 year old female, attempted suicide by jumping off a bridge."
"That's Maya!"
Someone yells.
I feel my heart rate spike as they wheel me in
"She's coding"
"Start compressions and get me a crash cart!"
She revives me and they're trying to get me back to normal sinus rhythm.
"Come on maya don't die on me!"
I feel at peace so I close my eyes.
"Time of death?"

Carinas POV

I'm sitting at home cradling Maeve in my arms when there's a knock on the door.
I put Maeve down on her mat and then I open the door
It's Mer and her scrubs are covered in blood.
"Mer? What's going on?"
She steps inside and I sit down.
"What's going on Mer?"
"She killed herself!"
She cries as tears appear.
"Maya killed herself! I'm so sorry Carina"
I let out a scream and she holds me
"How'd she do it?!"
"She jumped off the bridge and she broke some bones and she was hypothermic. She coded once and then again and we couldn't save her."
I wipe my tears and accept it.
"She wanted to be cremated so they're doing that now. She wanted to be put next to her mother and she wanted you to know that she was sorry and that she loved you but she just couldn't deal with life anymore."
"I know that she's at peace now."
"She's not suffering anymore"
Mer comments
"I have a daughter that I need to love and look after."
"True. I'll stay the night and I can help you look after her whenever you want"
"Thanks Mer. I don't know what id do without you."

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