Rescuing my mommy

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I still call my mom mommy because I still feel protected when I say her name.
It's 9am and I am being discharged.
I throw on a pair of jeans and a shirt.
Carina smiles as we leave the hospital
I put my mommy's address into her gps
"I call her mommy please don't be weirded out"
"I would never be"
She drives up the driveway and of course my dad's car is there.
I shudder"
"I'm going to trick my dad by saying that she'll live with us so that she can not live on fear of him tracking her."
"She could actually live on the third floor if she wants or she could live on your old house"
"Can you come up with me?"
"Of course baby"
I knock twice and of course my dad answers the door
"Oh my god Maya how nice to see you"
He touches my face and I push his hand off me
"Who's the chick you have with you"
"This is my girlfriend Carina. That's right , girlfriend I'm BI"
My mommy appears behind him.
"You're so thin maya."
My mommy says from behind him.
"Bulimia does that to you"
My mommy looks shocked.
"My poor sweet girl"
"I'm not your daughter!"
"Mom I know that he's still doing it to you so come with us."
"You heard me come live with us"
"Don't you dare move woman"
"Dad let her make up her own mind"
She looks at him then looks at me.
"I've had enough to you."
She grabs her essentials as we hold dad down but he somehow managed to hit me in my stomach.
I wince but keep a hold of him.
"Maya are you okay?"
Mommy comes back.
She kicks him in the nuts and so do I then we hand in to the police since he's wanted for assault.
They arrest him and charge him right away.
"Life sentence."
The cop tells us.
"Hear that mommy.. you're safe now ... we all are."
She nods and we embrace
"I love you so much and I've missed you"
"I've missed you too mommy"
"This is my girlfriend Carina. She's an obygn at Grey Sloan hospital and I'm a firefighter"
"Hi Carina thank you for everything"
"No problem Ms.Bishop."
"Please call me Katherine or Kathy"
"Okay Kathy"
"You're life long dream has came through sweetie!"
I smile as we leave the police station.
"You can live in Carina's old house if you want. She's just moved into mine but tonight you'll be staying with us."
"Okay that's fine with me"
I sit in the back with my mommy
"Mommy when was the last time he hit you?"
"Four days ago sweetie"
I hold her as she cries
She smiles eventually
"I can't believe I went back to him"
"It's common mommy. I didn't even comprehend that he was abusing us until last year when I talked to Diane"
She nods.
"This is my house mommy"
I show her around and dance with her like a child.
"I'm finally free"
She smiles.
"Yes you are"
Carina says.
We all dance together in a circle.
"Maya please take it easy"
Carina says
"I'm fine baby"
"I'll make your bed now mommy"
I show her the room
"You can sleep here if it's okay?"
"That's absolutely fine baby"
Carina and Mommy talk in the kitchen but I can still hear them.
"Maya may seem fine but she's really sick at the moment. Her bulimia has taken over and she was using diet pills and laxatives, I don't if she will take more and I can't find them. She has them hid pretty well"
"She just got out of the hospital because she fainted in front of my friends car which nearly hit her while she was out for a run. She constantly exercises and overworks herself"
"That's all thanks to her father Lane"
"She purges and self harms too."
"Thanks for telling me Carina"
I continue making the bed and I pretend like I didn't hear what she said.
"Hey guys, the beds all made up now mommy"
"Thank you darling"
She hugs me and then she goes into her room.
I sit alone with Carina and we snuggle on the couch
"Why did you tell my mom all that stuff"
"She needs to know, she's your mom"
"I guess you're right and you saved me that conversation so thank you baby"
She holds me in her arms.
My mommy comes out of her room and she sits beside us
"You guys look so good together"
"Thanks mommy"
She cuddles into me and then looks at the clock.
"It's time for dinner baby"
I begin to freak out and my hands become all clammy.
My mommy look at me and flinched when I yell no.
"Baby I know you don't want to but you she to eat something"
I shake my head and cry in the corner of the room with my hands wrapped around my knees while my head is resting on my lap.
I rock myself back and forth as my mommy gets down beside me.
I throw myself onto her and she sits me on her lap and cradles me like she never did when I was young.
"Sh sh sweetie you're okay."
She is still cradling me as Carina makes dinner.
My mommy lifts me up.
"I shouldn't.... I shouldn't be able to lift you"
She shakes her head and places me down gently on the chair.
I shake my head as Carina puts the plate down in front of me.
"I'm not eating"
I stare forward and I push back my hair from my face.
"Here baby try and eat... for me"
She puts the spoon up to my mouth and I push it away.
I leave the dinner table and I get into bed and I just sob.
I find my laxatives and I take one.
I lie back down.

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