More Exercise

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I wake up and reminisce on what happened last night or technically this morning.
I get up and get dressed as Carina leaves for work
"Love you"
"Love you more"
She goes to check on my mom
"Tell me if she takes any form of pill, does any form of exercise or self harms or purges. Please keep an eye on her"
"I will"
My mommy yawns as she appears in the kitchen.
"Hi mommy."
"Hi my sweet girl"
I smile as she pulls out a bowl of cereal.
"I can't wait to see you at your workplace"
"I'm on leave at the moment because of my bulimia"
"Aw I'm sorry baby"
"I'm back next week so you could pop in if you wanted to"
She nods and pours herself a bowl as I go into my exercise room.
I close the door and start running on the treadmill.
I spend an hour on that then an hour on the rowing machine.
I sigh as I do my sit ups
I can feel my spine through my shirt and it hurts like a bitch but I keep going.
I then do dumbbell squats.
I do a five minute plank and then I stretch.

Katherine's POV

I hear Maya panting from the other room and realise that she's exercising.
I text Carina to let her know.

Back to Maya's POV

Mommy walks in as I'm doing my push-ups.
I fall to the ground and lift my face off the floor.
"Oh hi"
I rush to cover up because my arms are on show.
She's already seen them.
She moves closer to me and touches my arm.
She traces over them with her hand
"I can't bear to see you hurt yourself and I don't think Carina can either"
I nod as I cry.
She cradles me like a child and then I get up and go into the living room.
I cover myself with a blanket and I read a book.
Carina texts me around 4.
"Hey baby. I moved your moms stuff into my old house. We can take her there when I get home"
I tell mommy about what carina has done
"I'll have to thank her. When is she coming home?"
"Around 6"
"Oh okay"
She smiles and pulls a can of soda from the fridge that Carina stocked for me and her.
I take a low sugar soda that has no calories and drink it as we talk.
Carina comes in still in her uniform.
"How many babies did you deliver today?"
"3. Two girls and one boy"
She smiles as she gets undressed in our room.
"Wow good job baby"
"Aren't you coming with us?"
Carina asks as she grabs her bag from the living room.
"I'll just stay here."
Carina hesitates before leaving me alone
"I love you baby."
"Love you more"
I say as they walks away.
I don't know what to do the minute they leave so I start purging in the kitchen sink.
The door latches and carina walks back in.
"Baby I forgot my-keys"
"It's not what it looks like"
I try to explain.
"I can smell the sick for over here baby"
She frowns as she covers her mouth and sighs.
"Come on you're coming with us since I can't trust you alone anymore "
She grabs my arm after she gets her keys
"Oh sweetie you're coming with us after all"
"Uh huh"
"I can't trust her so I'm bringing her."
She hands me a mint.
"Thank you."
She drives us to her old house and we move my mom in.
I sneak a diet pill and a laxative when nobody is watching.
We're driving on the road when I get the sudden urge to shit.
I put my hand on my stomach and carina watches me.
"Pull over"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Just pull over!"
She pulls over and I open the car door and squat.
"Don't look at me!"
I say as my bowels empty onto the dirt
I end up throwing up as well.
I pull to my underwear and jeans and I get back into the car.
I take another mint from Carina packet that she always keeps on her car just in case.
"That's something I thought I would never see"
"Let's not ever and I mean ever talk about this again"
I say as I look out the window.
She drives me back home and I sit on the toilet for an hour as she watches because she doesn't trust me
She sits in the bathtub and stares up at the ceiling.
"This is so embarrassing"
I frown as I hide my face in my hands .
"You're going to have to get used to it."
She shrugs.
"People at your work might even have to do it if you don't get better"
"That's not going to happen no"
I shake my head as I flush the toilet.
I wash my hands and leave her sitting on the bathtub
I grab my coat and my phone then I start my jog.
I take a breather on a bridge about half an hour away from home.
A car pulls up beside me
"Maya hey get in! Carina's sent a whole search party looking for you, she's really concerned"
It's Jo.
"I'm okay thanks"
I keep running but she keeps following me
"I'm serious maya get your ass in this car right fucking now. It's getting dark and you look like you could collapse at any second"
She shouts.
I get into the passengers side and she takes a u turn.
She brings me home.
Andy,Vic,Travis,Mer,My mommy,Addie , Diane and some other doctors are there when Jo carries me in the front door.
Jo sits me down on the couch as everyone crowds around me.
"Don't crowed her! Thank you everyone for helping now can you all just back off and leave us be"
Carina tells everyone.
Everyone leaves even my mommy but Diane stays
"Diane, I'm not talking to you. We are not having a session today so please just get the fuck out of my house!"
I cry
"I will be back tomorrow for a session"
She leaves and carina cups my face.
"Baby I was so worried"
"I'm sorry I just needed to clear my head"
I hold her as I cry.
"Sh sh baby it's getting late , let's go to bed but first you need a shower."
I nod and she takes me into my room.
She gets me undressed and then goes to get herself undressed.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm getting in with you."
I look at her as I'm still crying.
She two moves her tank top and gets in with me.
She holds me up as my knees buckle.
"I'm glad I got in with you now"
My knees buckle again and this time I fall and land hardly on my knee.
It bleeds so she bandages it for me.
"That's gonna scar...."
I don't reply to her.
I faint as I try to make it to my bed
Carina puts a damp cloth on my face and I wake up in the bed.
"Hey sweetie you're okay."
"What happened?"
"You fainted"
"Did I?"
"You don't remember?"
"Not really one minute I was walking and now I'm here"
She nods
"You just need to rest baby so I'm gonna let you sleep"
"Okay I love you"
"I love you too."
She goes to close the door
"Wait- can you leave it open?"
"Of course"
"Goodnight baby"

Carina's POV

I'm going to spend the night in her exercise room because I know that she's going to get up and come in without my knowledge
So this time I'll be able to bring her back to bed and make sure she doesn't over exercise.

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