Working Out

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Carina wakes me up
"I have to go to work now baby, I love you"
"Love you more"
I get up and watch her leave.
I take laxative and a diet pill then I start working out.
I sit on the toilet for about an hour and then I get back to working out.
I end up fainting because I overworked myself,
I must've been there for hours because when I work up it was dark outside
I wake up and my head is on the floor.
I lift it slowly and then I realise that my head is bleeding.
I stand up slowly and head to the kitchen.
I grab some paper towels and clean my head.
I sit on the chair defeated and I cry.
I hate when I cry, especially when it's in front of peopele
Carina walks in as I'm crying
"What happened?"
She says as she drops down and puts a hand on my thigh.
"I don't know... I fell"
She looks at me and then checks out my head
"Just a minor cut"
She smiles as she puts some anti septic on it.
I wince.
I'm still crying so she lifts me and sits me on the couch on her lap.
She holds me.
"You fainted, didn't you?"
I sigh.
"You have to stop it"
"I already told you- I can't"
She pulls me off of her.
"I know you can"
"I want too."
She smiles and holds me.
She lies with me in bed and I go to sleep since I'm back to work tomorrow
I don't want to but I have to.

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