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I wake up to Maeve crying.
Carina's already gone to work so I'm all alone with Maeve.
I go into her nursery and rub my eyes.
"Sh sh it's okay."
I take her into the kitchen because she's sucking my finger again.
I make her a bottle and sit on the couch.
I check the clock
7am and I'm already so tired
I wrap myself with a blanket and then I feed her.
I burp and change her.
I decide to bring her around the station to visit my co workers.
I grab the stroller and put her clothes in a diaper bag.
I pack the diaper bag and then we head out.
I walk to the station and on arrival I meet Theo.
"Maya! I'm so sorry about-"
"It's fine Theo"
I smile
"Who's this?"
"This is Maeve , she's my sister and Carina and I adopted her but I treat her like a daughter"
"Aw hello Maeve"
She wraps her finger around Theo's hand.
I take her out of the stroller and then he holds her.
I take her into the locker room and show her around.
Vic appears and holds her.
"Aw who's a cute baby? You are!"
She smiles as she boops her nose.
She hands her back and I go to find Andy.
"Hey Andy, I just wanted to apologise. I have been a bitch and I'm getting help now"
"No I'm sorry Maya , I didn't know how badly you were hurting and I'm so sorry about-"
"It's okay"
She holds Maeve and bounces her
"You'd be a great mom"
I comment as Sullivan comes in.
He closes the door.
"She's pregnant."
He says
"Rob, we said we weren't telling anyone"
"Sorry but it seemed like a good moment"
I smile and hug her.
"Thank you but please don't tell any other people , only carina knows because she did an ultrasound"
She smiles as she shows me the picture of sonogram.
I smile and then I go back home because I started getting tired.

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