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I wake up to Carina crying.
I sit up.
"What's wrong baby? Hey it's okay, speak to me"
She is crying and crying.
"What happened baby?"
"I got my period... I'm sorry"
She pulls back the cover to reveal the stain.
"Oh that's okay... Sh sh"
I hug her and I kiss her
"Don't cry baby. I'll clean the sheets while you get into something comfy."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes go take a shower and relax baby"
I take the sheet off and put it into the washing machine.
I change the sheets and I lie back on the bed
Carina is still crying.
I can hear her and I hate to see her in pain.
"Do you feel better baby?"
I smile as she sits back down.
"Yes thank you."
I get up off the bed and make a hot water bottle for her.
I put some candy in a bowl and I go back in to her.
"Here baby"
She smiles and dries her tears.
"Thank you"
She puts the hot water bottle on her stomach and eats some of the candy as we binge watch Netflix.
She smiles as I look into her eyes.
"You understand me"
She exclaims as she sighs from her cramps.
"Yep I do"
We get up and get out of the house for a bit.
We come back and Mommy is waiting outside for me.
"Hey Mommy! What are you doing here?"
"I called to the fire station but you weren't there so I asked a man and he said you're off for a month because of your bulimia , is that true?"
"Yes and Carina is taking a month off to help me"
"That's good! Come inside"
I say as I remove my coat in the hallway.
She steps inside and hangs up her coat.
I walk into the living room as Carina sits next to my mommy.
I sit next to them and snuggle in against Carina
"Well I better be going , just thought I'd drop in"
"Thanks mommy, love you"
I say as she leave
"Love you too my little girl"
She kisses me on the cheek and then leaves.
Carina goes to the bathroom and comes back later.
She sits back down and I snuggle into her.
I randomly start crying and that makes her cry too.
"Do you think you could be getting your period?"
She questions
My face goes pale.
"Please don't tell anyone but I haven't had it in 7 months."
"Holy shit baby, is that when your bulimia got worse?"
The tears fall quicker as she holds me.
"I know it hurts baby"
"You must be exhausted."
"I am."
I sigh.
I stand up and take off my top because I've gotten too warm.
She hugs me again.
"I can feel your spine"
"I know baby"
We go to bed and cuddle before going to sleep.

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