Chapter 3

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"What did you do to him!" I scream, my breath catching in my throat at the sight in front of me.

My older brother, motionless on the floor in front of me, the Light Prince's sword sticking out of his chest.

"What did you do to him!" I shout at the Light Prince again as I run over the spotless tiles of the throne room to my brother and push the Prince aside as he slowly pulls his sword out of Nic's chest. I get to Nic and his white eyes are barely open as I place my hands over where the sword just was, trying to stop the blood from spilling out any more.

I study him for a quick second and relax slightly when I realise he is not dead, just injured, as the stupid Prince missed his heart.

Though I'm not complaining.

"I had no choice, Mikaia. He tried to kill my father." Alexander says in an emotionless voice and I slowly turn to look at him, my blue eyes revealing no emotion.

I snort at his response. "I wonder why." I tell him as I feel a small hand reach to hold mine that was by my side, and I give it a tight squeeze, knowing it was Haevyn.

"I mean when I found out that the King murdered her parents and stole their wings," I point up to the two beautiful sets of angel wings above the King's throne, "I wanted to kill him too."

With that, I summon my bow and fire an arrow straight through his heart and watch with satisfaction as I see the look of shock on his face before he falls to his knees, already starting to choke on his own blood.

"Fuck you, Alexander." I spit at him as he starts to grow pale. He was dying very quickly.

The King yells out to his guards, though he doesn't make a move to get up to help his son, his heir, which doesn't sit right with me.

I guess not all parents die to save their children.

Seconds later, guards start to rush into the throne room through the large doors Nic had broken when he entered. But still they were all too late to save the Prince. He is nearly dead. Though by the looks of it, I don't think they were trying to save the Prince.

I summon another arrow into my bow and immediately shoot at the guard closest to me, hitting him straight in the heart, all whilst standing next to Nic's body, protecting him from any further danger.

Haevyn gasps, but I can't tell whether it's from the arrows or the nearly dead guard.

Who would have thought the magical bow my parents had for me to open on my 18th birthday would be used to kill the very people that had saved Nic and I.

I quickly fire two more shots at the last two guards I see running towards me, more arrows reappearing in my quiver once they were all fired.

It took me a while to get the hang of it because I didn't know the arrows reappeared in my quiver once all the others were used. It's really cool actually because I never run out of them.

I look back down to the Prince laying on his back on the tiles that are now stained red with blood. One of my black, ashwood arrows stuck in his chest. He looks up at me with a smug look on his face, though I can see the hidden pain in his eyes.

I thought that knowing him for years and growing up with him that I would have some remorse from killing him, but nothing.

He did bring this upon himself.

And I won't ever forget the Light Royals trying to kill my brother. And I will get my revenge someday.

The King, who is still sitting on his throne, calls out my name.

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