Chapter 11

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He makes me so mad.

Hot people always think they're so entitled.

I storm off down the hallway, turning the first corner I see. This corridor is darker, the walls aren't windows, and it's quiet too.

I still continue storming down it though, what's the worst that can happen? I find an exit? Besides, there is no way that I am going to turn around and look at that boy again.

Who does he think he is, calling me a slut? It's nothing I haven't been called before, growing up a human in a palace full of Light Fae really toughens you up.

That and when I make a joke of an insult it doesn't hurt as much.

But he's still an asshole.

He doesn't even know me.

God I just want to get out of this stupid Dark Fae infested mansion.

Suddenly a door I hadn't noticed to the left of me swings open, hitting me right in the face.

I stumble back, stunned for a second, before I catch myself from falling.

"What the fuck." I say as I rub my now sore nose.

"Fuck, I am so sorry!" A deep voice sounds from behind the door and then a head pokes out from the side of it.

It's a boy that looks to be about my age, maybe a year or two older, but then again, you never know exact ages when it comes to Fae.

He has shiny black hair that is split in a part down the middle, the straight locks of hair falling to his shoulders. His onyx eyes are large and he has a lopsided smirk on his face.

"It's alright, I probably should have been watching where I was going." I mumble, forcing my eyes not to tear up from the feel of my nose getting hit.

He steps out from behind the door and my eyes run over his body.

He's tall, definitely taller than me, maybe 6 foot?

He's wearing all black, just like nearly every other Fae I've met in this stupid palace. Black trackies and a black hoodie to match. And also little black sockets. No shoes though.

It's so cute when guys wear short socks.

He sticks his hand out to me and I shake it, his hand warm and firm.

"Ezra." He says winking at me.

"Kaia." I reply with a smile.

"Well Kaia, it's nice to meet you. I'm assuming you're the human who was in a nice fight and landed in our hospital room." He smiles as he turns around and gestures for me to walk with him.

I start walking next to him,l and it's clear he's walking slower to stay in line with me.

"That would be me." I smile up at him.

"Are you hungry?" He hums.

"Yes." Of course I'm hungry. I don't even remember the last time I ate something.

"Let's get food then." He says and breaks out into a run.

"Ezra what the heck!" I shout to him and he turns his head around to face me but keeps running.

"Come on slow coach!"

I groan but I know it won't be worth arguing with him, so much to my own dismay I find myself running after him.

It takes us a few minutes to reach the kitchen and by the time we stop, I look over to Ezra and he looks like he's dying.

"I'm so unfit." He groans in between gasps for air, "How have you not even broken a sweat? You're human you're the one who should be dying"

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