Chapter 64

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"Morning Princess." I hear Archyn say, sounding very chipper, after a door was closed.

I grumble something that was meant to be a 'good morning Archyn' but unfortunately it came out sounding more like "Fuck off Archyn."

"That was quite rude Mikaia Elle." He says and I groan, "It's a beautiful middle name you know."

I do know. It was my favourite, but only because my father called me that - calls me that.

I open my eyes and see him looking straight at me from where he's standing at the foot of our bed.

"Kaia can we please go get food. I'm so hungry." He groans and I sit up. Whoops. I forgot that he was locked up and unconscious, that must have drained a lot of energy from him.

Okay, I know I didn't eat for the same amount of time that he didn't, but him mentioning food has my tummy rumbling and also has me shooting out of bed very fast.

"Let's get dressed." He says and that's when I realise he's standing there with a red towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets still dripping down his chest. Damn. My Mate is hot.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist, joining my hands together against his firm ass before pressing myself up against him. "I think I like you better looking like this." I mumble against his chest.

"I think I like you better like this." He says and with a wave of his hand I'm standing naked my body rubbing against his. I gasp and go to move away but he just wraps his arms around me and picks me up. I let go of his ass and wrap my legs around his waist, joining my hands back together behind his neck.

He throws me down on the bed before getting on after me until he's lying above me. "You're beautiful." He says as he wipes a stray curl off of my face, "So, so beautiful."

I feel myself blushing at his words and lean up to place my lips against his.

"I'll always choose you Kaia. Over everyone. I will always believe you. I will always follow you wherever you want to go, even if I don't want to."

"So you'll finally come to a salon with me?" I ask and he groans and I of course take that as a yes. Just imagining him relaxing with a white - maybe we can ask for it to be black and red, maybe even some gold twined in it - robe, his feet resting on a stool with cucumbers on his eyes has my heart gushing.

"I'll always choose you too, Archyn." I whisper, my tone serious now and wrap my hands around his neck before pulling him closer to me, "Always."

Our door suddenly slams open, making us both jump. In a flash, Archyn waves his hand and clothes appear on the both of us. I smile as I recognise the shirt he gave me as the one he was wearing the first night at our cabin. Before I pulled it off of course.

"Gross!" Attikus shrieks and I look up from Archyn to see him standing at the door covering his eyes. It reminds me of myself all those weeks ago when I walked in on Nic and Camrey naked.

"What do you want, Attikus?" I ask as Archyn gets off of me and stands up beside the bed, extending his hand to help me up.

"I came to tell you that breakfast is ready and that we need to talk about whatever happened yesterday." He says, his hands still covering his eyes, "Food's in the kitchen and eat quickly, then come to the living room."

With that he scurries out, leaving the door wide open behind him.

"Let's go." I say and take Archyn's hand in mine.

We walk through the halls with me swinging our hands back and forth and when we enter the kitchen and see Oliver and Cardin snickering at us - well, more Archyn I suppose - he doesn't mind, he just continues holding my hand.

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