Chapter 15

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I've realised that they were either too lazy to sift me back, or they just didn't want me to know my way around the castle.

And it was most likely the latter as I am once again wandering these halls, lost. By myself.

Ti and Ezra were already gone when I woke up which may have been because the alcohol, though they had much more than me, hit me harder because I was human.

Everything around me is new. I have never been to this section of the castle before and the only thing relatively familiar are the large windows everywhere, though they aren't the same ones I saw with Caydn cause the views are completely different.

Here, the main view is of the Dark Forest, but even then, it's hundreds of meters below me.

Suddenly I walk into something, sending me falling to the ground.

"Watch where you're going, human." He spat the word like it was poison on his tongue.

"Well, Archy, if you saw me coming down the hallway, maybe you should have stepped aside." I snap at him from the floor. If he saw I wasn't watching where I was going, he could have made the effort to move.

I get up by myself and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that he didn't offer me a hand up.

Only because I would have loved the satisfaction of ignoring his hand.

When I stand up, I watch as his eyes look over my body.

I'd chosen to wear another blue dress, not too different from the one I wore yesterday. This one though goes almost to the floor, you can just see the white flats I'm wearing from underneath them.

It's tight around my waist with ribbon criss-crossed over my back to keep it tight. The whole dress is a light blue colour, except there's little gold strands threaded throughout the skirt part of it.

In the right light, it looks like I'm glowing.

"Can you please take me to the kitchen?" I ask him as I look into the gold flecked eyes.

I think his eyes are my favorite thing about him. That and that he's beautiful. I know all Fae have perfect bodies and facial features, but there's just something about him that makes him look... better.

Too bad he's a dick and he hates me.

"No." He answers firmly and starts walking down the hall, the way he was previously coming from.

"What? Why not? It's just one little poof from you and we're there." This man is either very lazy or his hate for me is more than I thought.

It's not like I did anything wrong. Sure I shot him. And killed his... friend? It hasn't really been talked about and I certainly won't be bringing the topic up.

Besides, he's done worse. If anyone should be hating the other it's me. I mean, he shot me with a poisoned arrow, he's the reason I'm here, he forbids my powers. And he added another scar to my collection.

"Or, you could just let me use my magic and I can poof myself out of here. Now that I think about it, that would be much easier. A good solution for us both."

His head whips over to face me, his eyes boring into my plain blue ones, "No." He says sternly, "You're not leaving."

"Why not? You clearly don't want me here so what's the point staying?" The only reason I'd want to stay would be Nic and Haevyn, but they're certainly much better off here than if they were with me. At least here they'd get a good life. I wouldn't be able to support them because I'm sure the King cancelled my card, even though all the money in there was cash I earnt.

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