Chapter 30

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"Well Kaia, Attikus told me to take you on a tour, so that's what I'm doing." He says as we continue walking down a hallway with soft carpet flooring.

It seems that most rooms here are full of carpet. It's much more homely than in the Fae palace's.

"You'll find that it's quite small, despite what it looks like from outside." We turn a corner, "We also don't have many maids or guards. I mean, how hard is it to clean up after yourself?"

I laugh at this. He's not wrong. The Light Fae palace has a lot of rooms that don't even get used but the king still has them cleaned. And whenever one of his guests leaves, they leave the room a mess.

"We do have a cook though. She's been in the royal family for years though." He says and I nod. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes." I say. I know I only had dinner like an hour and a bit ago, but I'm still hungry. Whilst it looks like they serve a lot at those Balls, they really don't. Which is quite dumb I'd say.

Like, what is it with rich people and only eating a small amount.

"Okay, we can go to the dining room. Attikus and his Mate are already there with some of the others." He says and we walk around a few corners before he opens two doors and loud chatter reaches my ears.

When we walk in, most of the heads turn to us. Melody waves at me with a big smile one her face, oblivious to the doe eyes Attikus is giving her.

I smile back and then look at everyone else. They all sit around a rectangular table with twelve seats. Though only five of them are occupied, two being Mel and Attikus.

"Kaia, this is Zilani," He says pointing to a pale brunette sitting across from Melody who has a massive smile on her face, "She's Attikus' sister by the way. And that's Priya." He points to the petite blonde sitting next to Zilani. She was wearing a pink, long sleeve dress that went down to just above her knees.

"She's my Mate." Zilani said proudly and Priya blushed.

"And I'm Ajax." The last person says. He stands up and comes over to me, gently grabbing my hand and pulling it up to my lips. "It is a pleasure to meet you Princess." He says with a wink.

"That's my brother." Axel says glumly and then he walks over to the table, taking a seat as Ajax keeps a hold of my hand, dragging me to sit down next to him.

Ajax is taller than Axel and whilst they're both beautiful, Ajax has this dominant aura surrounding him.

Kilani is on my right, Priya sitting on the other side of her and Axel, Melody and Attikus are sitting across from us.

Ajax of course is sitting on my other side.

"Has mum told her?" Zilani asks, I'm not sure if it were to the group or someone in general, but either way, Attikus answered.

"No." He says as plates of delicious smelling food appear in front of us. "Tomorrow. She wants everyone to be here."

Melody's POV

If you had told me yesterday that in twenty four hours I'd be sitting having dinner with a bunch of vampires and my best friend, I'd have laughed in your face. But here I am, having dinner with vampires and my best friend.

Best friend that I thought was dead until a few hours ago.

When I heard that there was a bounty on Mik's head, a bunch of gold coins being the prize, I was terrified.

I'd known Mik my whole life. She's always been there for me. She's been my rock. And when she had left, along with Nic, I just went... numb.

The one person who made my life worth living had gone. Of course that wasn't her fault, I know she'd never willingly leave me.

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