Chapter 46

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I think I am in shock.

No, I'm definitely in shock.

About lots of things actually.

About Archyn and what's her name not being Mates.

About Jason being dead. How Arhcyn killed him, instead of me.

About me not killing Archyn when I had the chance.

I had it all planned out. Sneak into the room, shoot him with an arrow, make it disappear, then sneak back to my own room. And if I were to bump into someone, I'd quickly sift to Nowhere and say I had to get something.

Easy, It was so easy. But I didn't do it. And I don't know why.

Something in me just told me not to kill Archyn.

Maybe it was the fact that he just found out his Mate used a fucking spell to make him believe they were Mates. Then went and Mated with her real Mate behind his back.

Seeing as I didn't kill him though, tomorrow morning I'm going to go back into his room and demand an apology.

Whether it's for him putting a large target on my head, or for stealing my kill, I'm not sure. Maybe both.

Definitely both.

I sigh and keep staring at the roof.

I don't know what time it is, but by any indication of the light seeping through the sides of the curtains, it's morning. Maybe afternoon.

But I have zero motivation to move. I can't be bothered to do anything really.

I think the realisation of last night is finally hitting me. And it makes me feel sick. The fact that I was so close to claiming Oliver's and my rightful title. And that I completely blew it.

I could maybe do it tonight, but now I'm not so sure if I really want to do it.

Maybe I could just talk to him about it.

But that could totally backfire. Maybe even cause me to be killed.

I think I might just leave it be for the time being. See how things fold out without my intervention. You never know, he may die of a heart attack, or fall out of the window or something.

Fingers crossed, I guess.

"Wake up bitch!" A voice shouts as my door slams open, making me jump.

I don't say anything and a few moments later, a heavy weight lands on my chest.

"Get off of me Ezra, you fat bitch!" I shout at him and wriggle out from under him.

"That's kind of rude Kaizie." He says with a frown before turning to Ti, "Isn't it Santiago?"

I look over to Ti who's leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.

"So very rude." He says, nodding.

"See?" Ezra turns back to face me as he gets up and places a hand on his hip.

"No. I don't see. He had to say that because you're his Mate." I grumble but Ezra covers his ears with his hands.

"Lunch is ready though, Kaia." Ti says, rolling his eyes at his Mate's actions.

"Yeah, you sleepy head." Ezra snaps as he turns on his heel and pushes past Ti, heading out the door.

I groan but still get out of bed, throwing on the black hoodie I wore last night that I left on the floor beside my bed.

"Chop chop." Ti says and I glare at him, my eyes still blurry from my sleep. Or more so my lack of sleep.

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