Chapter 42

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Oliver's POV

"I can't believe you just let her go!" I shout at them all. "This is bullshit. I don't care if it was her idea or fucking not! I just got her back and now you've all let her get herself killed."

I'm pissed off. A whole fucking lot. I finally found my sister and she only stayed with me for two weeks. Half of those were spent with Silas, doing who knows what.

"Mum, why would you just let her go like that?" I turn to face her, ignoring the others in the room.

Zilani is sitting beside Priya with a smug smirk on her face. Almost like she's glad that Kaia's gone and that I'm distraught over it. I bet if Priya went to kill someone who could just as easily kill her, she wouldn't have that look on her face. If only Priya hadda knocked some morals into her.

Silas is sitting on the couch, his face mostly unreadable. I can see the worry in it though. Kaia bound him to her so he's now... a part of her I guess. But still, he let her go as well. Just watched her.

"She seemed very keen on going." Zilani says as she crosses one leg over the other, "Even got me to punch her to make it seem like she's had a rough two weeks."

My head snaps to her, "What the fuck do you mean you punched her." I yell at her, "You know what, fuck you Zilani. You've been nothing but a bitch to Kaia since she came here. She's done nothing to you, and all you've done is treat her like shit."

Something flashes through her eyes, an emotion I don't recognise, but I don't stay to dwell on it. I turn on my heel and storm out of the room. Leaving my family behind.

I make my way through the halls and out to the garden, breathing in the cold air. It's night now, though still bright. The flowers and bright green grass and trees lit up by the light of the stars and the full, round moon. My feet crunch on the gravel as I aimlessly wander down the paths until I find myself in front of the lake.

I strip my clothes off, ignoring the cold wind whipping at my skin. I carefully walk across the large rocks, making my way to the water's edge. I pull up the loose rock I use to cover the small gap in between the rocks and reach down to pull out one of the indigo leaves I've grown.

I squeeze two fingers over my nose, trying to not breath in the foul smell of the leaf as I put it in my mouth and chew on it. This is always my least favorite part though I know it's worth it. I feel the sharp pains of the gills forming from my skin and once the pain subsides, I jump into the deep water.

The cold water rushes up to meet me and I force back any shivers, ignoring the soothingly numb feeling of the water. I take a deep breath in, the water not entering through my lips, held back by the remains of the indigo leaf on my tongue.

I open my eyes and look around me. The water is deep and beautiful, like usual. The bright flowers that grow from the border of the large lake. The long green seaweed seen from all the way up here. I swim down further, making my way to the bottom of the lake, but a strong hand grabbing onto mine stops me. Well, it doesn't stop me, it just takes me to the bottom of the lake much faster than I could have done myself.

"Where have you been!?" I hear the female voice I've missed so much shout at me.

"Hi Coralia." I say as I smirk at the stunning mermaid in front of me. Her long blonde hair shiny in the light of the glow flowers. The scaly, light pink tail reflects the same light released by the flowers.

"Hi Oliver." She sighs, though there's a hint of relief in her eyes.

"I missed you." I tell her as I swim towards her and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her into me. I gently place my lips onto hers and I feel her smile into the kiss.

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