Chapter 31

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Kaia's POV

I don't think I slept at all last night. I think last night's event just hit me.

There's a bounty on my head. For lots of gold. Hell, maybe I should hand myself in. It's not like I need the money but the fact that I'd fooled the King would be payment enough.

And then there's the freaking vampires part.

Why would they help me? They didn't gain anything from it.

Unless they plan to use me as bait.

I mean if it was to bait Archyn, that wouldn't work.

I think Archyn is the majority of the reason why I'm so on edge.

Why would he turn on me so quickly? Does he really think that I'd do something like that?

Jason fucking tortured me. There's no way I'd ever help him. He's a sick, cruel creature.

And that stupid bitch Victoria. What the fuck is wrong with her. Why would anyone falsely accuse someone of that.

It's sickening.

Though it does make me think.

Why did she do it? I know it's not true, so something must have happened for her to have been marked without consent.

Unless it was consented.

But why would she want anyone other than her Mate to mark her?

"Miki?" I hear Melody ask and I open my eyes to see her standing beside my bed. "Attikus just came in. He said for us to get ready and meet them back in the dining room."

I nod and throw the covers off of me. I walk to the closet and chuck on black leggings and the hoodie I wore yesterday.

I walk outside and Mel's standing with the door open, waiting for me.

"You do know the way this time, yes?" She asks me as we walk through the halls.

"Yes." No.

But how hard can it be to find it? I mean the place isn't as big as Archyn's so it certainly won't be that hard.

"Right." Mel says, clearly not believing me though she doesn't say anything else

It doesn't take us long to find the dining room. It was certainly much quicker than the time it took to find our room last night.

Something which Melody was subtly furious about.

I know it was because she would have gotten to spend more time with Attikus, though I don't think she knows it.

The Mate bond doesn't fully affect humans so she'll just think she's falling in love with him fast.

When we walk through the door of the dining room, there are quite a lot of people in there already.

"Good morning Melody." Attikus says with a smile as he pushes Axel off the seat beside and pats on it, signalling for Mel to sit next to him.

Melody looks over to me and I give her a nod and she walks over. I'm not sure why she's looking to me for approval though.

I walk over to one of the chairs and sit down next to Ajax. He smirks at me once I'm seated and I raise an eyebrow.

The door to the dining room once again opens, and in walks Elenora, wearing another blood red dress though this one has a black corset like shape at the top.

"Morning mum." Attikus says as she sits down at the head of the table.

Zilani says, what I'm assuming was a 'morning' though she has a lot of food in her mouth so it was not close to a greeting.

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