Chapter 7

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"Don't say another word." The man holding me against the wall whispers threateningly in my ear. "Or I'll kill you."

"Kinky are we?" I hum to the man in front of me, referring to the hand wrapped around my throat.

His hand quickly goes from my throat to my left shoulder, his other coming up to grip my right, making me hiss in pain at the pressure he put on my still present wound, though he doesn't seem to care. He smiled.

I look up to the person in front of me, and my blue eyes lock with his black and gold ones. His black hair sits messily on his shoulders, making him look a lot younger than I'm sure he is.

And it is none other than the Fae that shot the arrow in my shoulder. Pretty eyes.

"It was not very nice of you to shoot that arrow at me. It was very uncalled for actually." I tell him just before I lift my knee up and smash it straight between his legs.

He lets out a grunt and his hands leave my shoulders, allowing my feet to evenly hit the ground.

Without missing a beat, I tighten my hand into a fist and punch him straight between his pretty eyes. He stumbles on his feet and I quickly move behind him and pin him up against the wall in the same position he had me in a few seconds ago.

The force of his body hitting the wall causes a painting that was hanging to our left to fall to the ground, the loud bang of the wooden frame hitting the black tiled floor echoed down the hallway.

My right forearm is digging into the front of his neck, right over his adams apple, and I lift my left hand up to grip the top of his ear.

"Did you know it only takes eight pounds to rip an ear off?" I whisper into the same ear I was holding. I feel him tense and go to push me away but I only tighten my grip on his ear.

Suddenly the door to the bedroom I just walked out of slams open, but I don't take my eyes off of the man I have pinned against the wall.

I feel two hands grabbing me and pulling me against a hard surface and I struggle to get away for a few seconds when I hear Nic speak.

"Kaia, stop it. You can't kill him." Nic says to me, his voice a mix of panic and frustration, how hands tightening around my waist.

"Don't tell me what to do traitor." I say to him as I bring my head forward then forcefully shove it backwards, hitting him straight in the nose.

He lets go of me and I push off of him and dart away, not wanting him to grab me again. I don't try to move back to pretty eyes to rip his ear off, I just stand a few feet away from the group.

Nic is standing there holding his nose, blood slowly dripping out of it. The girl he was just fucking is standing next to the man I had pinned against the wall, looking him over to see if he is injured I presume.

"Camrey, keep your mate under control." The man hisses the word out like it was poison on his tongue.

"Don't talk about him like that." I snap at him, taking a step closer. Who does this guys think he is?

"Or what, little girl?" He asks with an annoying smirk on his face as he takes a step forward, brushing the girl - Camrey - off so that we meet halfway in the middle, our noses nearly touching.

"Or I'll rip your ear off." I whisper under my breath so that only he can hear, despite the others and their Fae hearing.

He crosses his arms, his dark black eyes and those flecks of gold you can only see up close shooting daggers into me and I smirk at him. His eyes flash with even more anger and my smirk gets bigger.

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