Chapter 53

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Nic's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" I yell at the doctor as he stares at Kaia writhing in pain in wonder.

What is he doing? He should be fucking helping her. Not watching her body twist and turn in hurt on the bed.

"She's not injured herself," The doctor starts saying but fucking Archyn cuts him off.

"Well she clearly fucking is! She was fine and then fell to the ground in pain!" He shouts and the doctor visibly tenses.

As much as I dislike Archyn, you gotta admit, the guy is strong. Though I don't know why he cares about what's wrong with Kaia. They hate each other. Or have I missed something?

But Kaia is screaming right now. In pain. She's screaming. Kaia's been tortured countless of times and has not screamed. But now she is and the doctor says she isn't?

Another scream comes from Kaia and it just makes me feel so... helpless.

Watching her clutching her side in agony and not knowing what I can do to help her.

"Doc, fucking do something!" I shout at him. He's a trained professional and he should know what's wrong with her.

I know I shouldn't be yelling at him either, I mean he's just trying to help, but I can't help it, I'm not thinking straight. I can't have my sister, my best friend, potentially die on me.

"Need to..." Kaia starts to whisper in between her words of pain, "Need to go to..."

"Go to where?" Archyn shouts at her as she cuts off in pain again.

"Ol..." She says though stops as she lets out more cries.

"Holy shit." I hear the Doctor say and we both turn to him. He looks up at us and keeps going, "Does... Does she have a twin?" He asks and I look at Archyn.

"No, I'm her only relative." I tell the Doctor and he huffs.

"There's been one injured patient that I've had that used to act out like this all the time." He mutters and me and Archyn wait for him to continue, "We figured out that it was his twin, his other half's pain, meaning his body would take majority when it became too much for his twin to handle."

Archyn and I look at each other in confusion. Glad to know I'm not the only one not understanding him.

"What does this have to do with Kaia?" Archyn snaps and the doctor sighs.

"Are you sure she doesn't have a twin? For that's the most obvious explanation. Her feeling extreme pain with no injury. Twins take on each other's pain to make it more bearable. Though it's strange considering she's a newly turned vampire when the boy I dealt with was born one."

What the fuck is this guy talking about? "She's not a fucking vampire." I spit at him, she's human. My sister.

The doctor looks at me in confusion and I look to Archyn. Surely he's pissed the doctor says she's a vampire. He hates them.

Though when I see Archyn's face, I know I'm missing something.

The doctor looks back to Kaia's struggling body and sighs again. He walks over to a table in the corner of the room and comes back with four belts. He throws two to me and then motions for Archyn do hold down Kaia's thrashing body.

He hesitates before grabbing her arms - a lot gentler than what I expected - and holds them to the bed, allowing for the doctor and I to tie her down. He does the same to her feet and once she's secured down, the doctor places a bandage type thing in her mouth which she immediately bites down on.

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