Chapter 63

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"D-dad?" I breathe out. It has to be him. Only he ever called me Elle. No one knows my middle name, hell, no one even knows my last name.

"Elle." Father says and I watch as tears start streaming down his face.

The man holding him keeps dragging him forward until he's a few metres away from me. I look to Archyn and I can see a questioning look in his eyes and I nod.

"Let him go." Archyn tells his father, or maybe the guard, but neither of them budge.

Archyn sighs and then nods to me - we're very good with this non-verbal communication. I spread out my now unchained hands and a shard line of darkness zooms forward straight towards the guard holding my father.

It goes straight through his heart and he crumples to the floor in an instant. I cringe as my father falls to the ground with his, but he pushes himself up quickly, giving me an assuring nod.

Knowing my father is safe for the time being, I turn to the other guards, creating more shards of darkness aimed straight towards them. Each one hits them straight through their heart and only moments later they're all lying dead on the ground.

I'm so glad Archyn forced me to train with him.

I turn to Archyn and he's looking at me with a proud smile, whilst the King's large face is pale. I turn away and quickly walk over to my father. I quickly summon the sword that Coralia gifted me and it slices through his chains like it's butter.

I quickly pull my dad up and he wraps me in a hug.

"You can have a proper reunion later, we need to get out of here now." Archyn says from behind us and I gesture for my father to follow as I walk to where I was kneeling earlier and pick up the chains. I pass them to Archyn and he locks them around the Dark King's wrists.

The four of us leave the room and we walk the same way we came.

"Was Coralia working for you?" I ask the King but he just grunts. I walk up to him and slash my sword across the middle of his back and he yelps out in pain.

"I'll ask again, was Coralia working for you?"

"Yes." He grinds out.

"So there was no Pearl?" I say. Even if Coralia was working for the King, if her sister was here, I would still look for her.

"No." The King says and I sigh.

Why would Coralia lie to me? She's Oliver's Mate.

We're silent for the rest of the way to the hole I made earlier. I pass the two indigo leaves to Archyn and my father and when the Dark King protests, understanding that he'd have to make the swim to the surface by holding his breath, Archyn just presses hard against the wound on his back and that shuts him up immediately.

"When we get up there," Archyn snarls into his father's ear, "I'm going to take you to the torture chamber and make you regret every choice you've ever made."

Why does that turn me on? He can play with me in his torture chamber any time he wants.

Archyn then turns to me with a smile on his face, "Kaia, I can smell your arousal." He whispers and I blush.

Thank fuck it's only your Mate who can smell your arousal or I'd be waiting until my tail disappeard and drown myself in the sea.

I watch as Archyn and my father put the indigo leaves in their mouth and cringe at the smell. I could have told them to cover their noses, but it's much more entertaining this way. They both force themselves to chew it and I watch as Archyn reaches his hands up to the gills forming on his neck.

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