Chapter 16

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There standing in front of me is a tall, blonde male. It was not heels clicking along the floor, but black dress shoes. The man is dressed in a an all black suit with

A white tie around his neck.

He looks like he just walked out of a movie.

He has a sharp jawline and sharp cheekbones. His nose is the perfect shape and makes his black eyes stand out even more.

His dark wings stick out of his back, much larger than Kian's.

"Well, if it isn't dear little Mikaia." He says and I feel shivers go up my spine.

Not the good kind.

"Jason." I spit out, forcing myself to not show any emotion.

I will not be the weak little girl he saw.

"Izzy, get out of here, go find your brother or something." Jason says to the girl and she skips off through one of the doors in the room.

"So, you do remember me." He says with his signature smirk when Izzy was gone.


He hums at my response and starts to walk towards me, slowly, one foot in front of the other until our toes are nearly touching.

"You've grown up nicely." He says as he brings a finger up to my chin forcing me to look up to him. "Scars are still there I assume?"

I don't answer him. I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing the very scars he gave me when I was just a child. Those scars, those scars I do not show off.

They're not a sign of me fighting for my life on some mission.

They're a sign that I was too weak to stand up to him.

But I'm not anymore.

I think.

"Hmm. Well why don't I see for myself." He let's go of my chin and reaches his arms out towards my shoulders but I take a step backwards out of his reach.

"I see no one else continued... disciplining you when I left."

"Disciplining me?" I scoff, "No. It was more torturing me."

"No, it was disciplining you."

"Whipping a six year old for looking at you disrespectfully is not disciplining them." I spit at him. Those five years he was in the Palace were the worst ones of my life. When he left, my life got significantly better. There were still a few torturing sessions here and there, but only if I did something wrong.

Like failing a mission or not killing someone that I was supposed to.

Getting tortured for that was my fault. I shouldn't have failed.

"You whipped her?" Kian exclaims but Jason doesn't look up at him, his black eyes just keep staring into me, looking into my soul.

Making me feel the same things he made me feel when I was six.

And it's not the butterflies I sometimes get.

It's the need to vomit. To scream. To pull my hair out.

Kian must have taken Jason's silence as a 'yes' because he walked up to him and punched him square in the face.

Kian stands there and watches as Jason tumbles backwards nearly falling over though at the last second his wings come out to steady himself.

"What the fuck Kian!" He yells as he throws his arms up in the air, his black eyes getting darker, if that was even possible.

"Why would you whip a fucking six year old! She did nothing wrong!" Kian says as he crosses his arms over his chest. I can't see his face but from the tone of his voice, I can tell that he is angry.

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