Chapter 33

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I wake up to the sound of a door slamming open.

"Oliver!" A screeching voice shouts, "Why are you sleeping with that whore?"

The fuck did this bitch call me.

Oliver and I both sit up and I glare at her.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that!" Oliver shouts at the girl - Laylah. He throws the blanket off of him and storms up to her.

His hand wraps around her neck and he lifts her off the ground.

"Leave. Now." He hisses at her as he throws her to the ground.

I try to stifle a laugh at the horrified expression on her face. She looks like she's going to say something but then decides against it. She scrambled up to her feet and quickly rushes out the door.

"She's always had this weird obsession with me." Oliver says as he shakes his head. "She's so much older than me too. Like, we're 20, nearly 21 and she's like a hundred and something."

"Ew that is fucking weird." I say as I get out of bed too. "I'm hungry."

He nods his head in agreement and then we both walk out the door.

He leads us into the kitchen and when we walk in, Attikus and Melody are already there, Attikus cooking on the stove in the corner and Mel sitting up on the counter next to it.

"Hey big brother." Oliver says with a smirk and Attikus whips his head around to us. He then throws the spoon he was using to mix whatever was in the pot at Oliver and it hits him straight in the chest.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?" Oliver shouts back as he picks up the spoon, piffing it back at Attikus who catches it in one hand.

"For nearly dying!" Attikus says as he stomps his foot and I laugh.

Oliver ignores him and instead turns to Melody, "Well hello beautiful." He says as he jumps up and sits on the table in the middle of the kitchen, "Who are you?"

Attikus turns around with an angry look on his face and goes to throw the spoon at him again but Melody takes his arm.

"I'm Melody." She says with a smile. "And if you're thinking of anything, nothing will happen with us. Because you look too much like Mikaia."

Oliver pouts and Attikus smiles triumphantly. "Well that's unfortunate isn't it." He says and Attikus nods his head.

"What are you making?" I ask as I walk over and look into the pot.

"Attikus is trying to make mac and cheese." Melody says, giving Attikus a look, "But he's not doing very well."

"Well you could help me." He replies but Melody just laughs.

The door opens again and we turn to look to see Elenora walking inside.

"Oliver!" She says as she rushes up to him and pulls him into a hug. "Well it's good to have you back."

She lets go of him and kisses him on the head. She turns around to face me and smiles softly.

"Well, I think now is as good a time as any to tell you the rest of what I was going to last night." She says hesitantly. "Alone."

I nod and she grabs my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen. She stops when she gets to the door and then looks behind to Oliver, though he's already following us out.

I'll certainly need some emotional support with this.

We get into a small office and Elenora takes a seat in the large chair opposite to where Oliver and I take a seat.

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