Chapter 13

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They both grab onto my arm and then everything goes black.

Their grips on my arms get tighter and then a few seconds later my feet come into contact with solid ground.

"A bit of warning next time would be good." I mumble as I look around. We'd sifted to a dark alleyway, with a dead end on one side.

The boys let go of my arm and signal for me to follow them. We make our way down the dark alley towards the light and once we step out... "It's beautiful!"

We walked into a side street. There are lots of lights everywhere that are all different colours. Pink, blue, orange and yellow. They're coming from everywhere too. Some hanging from strings set between the roofs of the buildings on either side, some hanging from ropes beneath windows, and some even floating in the air.

Perks of being Fae I guess.

I follow Ezra and Ti through the crowds of Fae, making sure to keep my eyes on them the whole time. Definitely do not want to get lost in the Dark Fae Realm. It would be worse for them anyways.

I'm briefly aware of the two of them arguing before me, I'm pretty sure about which club we'll be going to.

They seem to have come to a decision, Ti's decision too, by the sour look on Ezra's face. We walk to the double doors of what must be a club but there are too many people around so I can't stop and read the name of the club.

At least it's not the same one as last time, I know that.

We enter and I'm immediately hit with the heat that all the bodies inside are giving off.

I can only imagine what Ti and Ezra are smelling. I can smell the faint scent of sweat with my human nose, imagine the smell with heightened senses.

"Let's get drinks first!" I hear Ezra shout over the noise of the club.

He leads us over to a bar that sits against the far right wall. I go to take a seat at one of the cool spinny chairs but one look from Ezra tells me not to.

Okay. Weirdo.

"Six vodkas please." He says and then whispers something to the bartender. The bartender's eyes go wide before he whispers something back to Ezra. "Thanks. And keep the drinks coming" Ezra says to the poor bartender that looks terrified, and leads us away and over to a small booth in the back corner of the club.

"Where are our drinks?" I complain. Wasn't the only reason we came here to drink?

"Relax drama queen, they're coming." Ezra rolls his eyes.

The booth is not huge, but it looks comfortable. There's a dark red, hip height table in the middle of it, surrounded with a deep purple couch that wraps around it in a 'c' shape.

I watch as Ezra sits and slides around until he's sitting directly opposite to where I'm standing. In the very center of the couch, of course. But did I really expect any less from him?

Ti follows his lead and takes a seat to the left of Ezra, and they both look expectantly at me.

"You can stand there all night, showing your cute little butt to all the men in the club, or you can come and take a seat and have a drink." Ezra says as a waiter that I hadn't even noticed places six vodkas on the table.

I roll my eyes and hop into the booth, facing Ti.

I grab a shot off the table and down it, and watch as the boys do the same.

"I need to get laid." Ti groans as he wriggles in his seat. I can certainly tell it's the liquor getting to him, even though it was only one shot. Sober Ti would never have said that.

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