Chapter 45

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My kill. That was supposed to be my kill. But it wasn't.

By the looks of the bodies, the work was done a while ago and I'm surprised that there's not much of a smell.

I'd have thought this pair dead would have been rotten.

"What are you doing here?" A gravelly voice from behind says and I spin around.

"I was supposed to kill him." I growl at the man and he rolls his eyes.

"Well after all he did to me and my Mate, I wanted that glory."

"No, that's not fair. He'd done more to me than he ever did to you and your stupid Mate." I growl at him as I walk towards him.

"Don't call her stupid." He growls back at me, taking a few steps towards me.

"Of course I'm going to call her stupid, Archyn. She accused me of getting her raped. What sane person even does that."

"Don't Archyn me, Mikaia." He snaps but I ignore him.

I walk over to Jason's dead body and give it a kick.

It barely moves.

And gross. Both their eyes are still open.

I look closer at Jason's body and I can see that his fucking heart has been ripped out of his chest. Though I'm sure that had been done after what I suppose was Archyn's little torturing sesh.

"You really got him good." I say before turning to look at Victoria's body. "Got both of them good."

Victoria's body is in the same condition, though probably worse. There are deep cuts all over her body that we're clearly from a knife.

"You know, you should invest in a torturing chamber." I tell him as I turn away from the horrid bodies, "It would have made torturing these sick excuses of a living creature much worse."

"I do have one." He says and I snap my head towards him.

No freaking way he has a torturing room. I do find it strange though that I've spent nearly maybe a quarter of my life all together in a torture room and that I still get... turned on, you could say, at the thought of torturing someone else.

Of course though it would be someone that deserved it.

Someone like Victoria or Jason.

"So why didn't you use it?" I for sure would have used it. I would have prolonged the torturing for days. Maybe even months.

Though I suppose that one is Archyn's Mate.

"Because then the others might see." He mumbles and I tilt my head to the side before realisation crosses through me.

"Oh shit, they don't know you've killed them." I say, posed more as a statement rather than a question but he still shakes his head, "You do know that they think you've been fucking this whole time?" I gesture between him and his Mate and he sighs, clearly annoyed.

Good. He should be annoyed. I mean, I'm annoyed he stole my kill. Actually I would have liked to kill them both.

He ignores my question and just stays standing there.

"Why did you kill them though?" I would very much like to know why he killed his own Mate.

"Because she's not my real Mate." He whispers and I know for sure that if I were still a human, I wouldn't have heard him.

"What do you mean?" I ask cautiously, I can see that it's still got him shaken up, no matter how long ago he'd killed them.

He sighs and walks over to the bed, stepping over the bodies like they're trash on the ground.

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