Chapter 35

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Nic's POV

I haven't talked to Archyn for a week. Neither have Ti, nor Ezra.

Everyone was still pissed at what he did at the Ball.

Then again, we've hardly seen him at all. Him and Victoria have been going at it for days.

It's gross.

I wasn't even like that when I first met Camrey. Though I suppose she wasn't marked prior.

Though I can't believe that he believed what that whore said. I mean, Kaia would never do something like this. Even though he'd only known her for a few days, he should have known that she wouldn't have done something like that.

Haevyn was so upset when she found out, she stopped talking to everyone, even Ryda. And that crushed him.

But Haevyn and Kaia have the exact same coping measures. Either putting on a smile and pretending nothing happens, or ignoring everyone.

And she's chosen ignoring everyone.

Ryda has been very upset. He's been ignoring Archyn too. But Archyn doesn't seem to notice.

Which is shit. If Kaia started ignoring me for no reason, I'd notice straight away.

He's being a dick.

No one knows where Kaia's gone, but I know she's okay. She wouldn't get caught that easily.

Maybe she'd hand herself in to get the money, but I don't think she'd risk it.

Ti and Ezra are looking into finding her, it's just a matter of asking the right people the right questions. Except they haven't found the right people yet, or maybe they just aren't asking the right questions.

I would go out and help, but right now, I need to get through to Haevyn. It's been a few days and she still hasn't come out of her room. She hasn't talked to anyone. She hasn't eaten much either.

I walk to her room and see Ryda sitting on the floor outside her door.

I do feel bad that Haevyn has taken out part of her anger towards Archyn on Ryda, the poor kid doesn't deserve it. I know she'll regret it when she sees Kaia again though.

Ryda looks at me as I walk towards him, his young face a mask of sadness, a small pout. His eyes are slightly bloodshot, because like when I said that Haevyn hasn't left her room, Ryda hasn't left her door.

I smile at him as I reach for the door knob and he glares at me. It's fine though, I understand. I mean, if it was Camrey in this position and she only let Ezra or Archyn see her, I'd be annoyed at them too.

I open the door and walk in, a pillow slamming into my face.

"Go away!" Haevyn shouts at me as I close the door.

"No." I shout back at her in the same tone and she glares at me from her position on the bed.

"Why did she leave me Nic?" She asks, her eyes filling up with tears, though she blinks them away furiously so as to not let them fall.

I go to the bed and get underneath the covers with her, pulling her tightly into my arms.

"It wasn't by choice Haevyn." I whisper to her as I rub her back, "She wouldn't have left you if she didn't have to."

"But why did she have to leave me?" She pouts and I sigh.

As much as I don't want to tell her that it was because of Archyn, Ezra had already let it slip. Haevyn had walked in when we were all yelling at Archyn about it.

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