Chapter 19: Oh no!

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It was a Sunday morning. Everyone was wide awake during the late hours of the morning. Zayns mother and grandmother had cooked up a stomach-filling brunch that everyone seemed to have their eyes on. We were all crowded around the dinning table. Me and Doniya were sharing a seat since there was a lack of seats. Zayn sat on my right stuffing his face with pancakes with the golden syrup trickling down the side of his mouth.

"I swear you eat like a two year old kid." I grumbled wiping the syrup from the side of his mouth. He shot me a smirk along with his charming wink and nipped at my finger.

From beside me doniya craned her neck to get a better glance at zayn. "Can your two get a room?!" She grumbled making a disgusted face. I rolled my eyes while zayn shoved her shoulder "pass me the coffee Moron."

Zayn did as she asked passing the coffee over my plate. I got a wift of coffee aroma. I was a coffee fan but for some reason my body reacted against the coffee. I felt a punch of nausea and I could feel the rise of something in my throat. Before I knew it I was huddling over the toilet bowl emptying every content I had just consumed.

"You okay baby?" Asked Zayn from behind me. He had gathered all my hair up in his fist as best as he could. His right hand stroked my back as if trying to calm me down. It didn't do much my stomach tightened and I was spewing everything out again.

When I was sure I wouldn't vomit again I left the safety of the toilet planting my butt on the tiled floor. That nauseous feeling was still there and I was starting to feel giddy.

Doniya approached us. "Zayn go get some water." She ordered.

Zayn pulled a face at his sister. "You know for someone your age, you're awfully bossy." He muttered.

Doniya flipped him off. "Either glare at me or go get your wife some water before she dehydrates of something."

Giving his sister the middle finger before glancing at me in concern. I knew Zayn had the softs when it came to my safety, he would do anything to make sure I was comfortable, safe and healthy. Even if it meant being defeated by his younger sisters.

Once Zayn had left she crouched down by me. I could hear zayns grandmother grumbling about me, saying that I hated her food. I honestly didn't give. I had no energy to really argue back.

Doniya broke my thoughts sliding down the door frame till she was at my level "do you know why you feel like this?......." She questioned. I placed my hand to my temple, rubbing it in circular motions. I didn't want to have any eye-contact what so ever with doniya. She had this look........that made me nervous, like I would be hit with bad news.

I cautiously shook my head. I had no idea. This vomiting was irregular for the past week. I guess it was just the coffee smell. Maybe my body had enough of coffee and this was its way of telling me.

"Have you ever considered that you might" She paused and looked behind her as if checking to see if anyone was there. She finally said "you know......pregnant."

I couldn't help it, I cracked up laughing on the spot. Holding my stomach for dear life. Pregnant- me. It just didn't make sense, nor did it fit in a sentence.

I was not pregnant. Doniya was just over exaggerating something that was probably just a stomach bug.

I stood up, dusting my paints. "Doniya, I'm not pregnant." I said flipping my hair out of my eyes, while I washed my face.

"Oh come on!" She groaned leaning against the door frame and crossing her hands in annoyance. "You seem to be gaining weight."

I raised an eyebrow and looked over my shoulder glaring at her. She stood there raising her hands up in defeat. "Hey, relax." She soothed me- didn't work though. "It's a good thing."

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